First, there was a party at the Carnegie Hall, where they represent the new show and reported on changes in the old show ("Good Wife" will now be on Sundays, at nine pm), and from there we moved to Lincoln Center. All this part of the day I felt an exhibit on rural fair - another comparison and not podberesh. There was a lot of advertisers, they walked to and fro, looking into the fenced off paddocks, which were cast from different shows. If an advertiser wanted a photo with some of the actors, rope, wall enclosure, raised, advertisers ran inside, and allowed them to consider the actor closer and cuddle him. I barely kept from being able to not bleated! Then there was a great evening where I met many old friends. I also went на вечеринку моих друзей в Kiehl's, которые выпустили новую серию средств ухода за кожей Kiehls Gives. На фотографии я с Деметром, замечательным парнем, который очень does a lot for sex education and HIV / AIDS prevention - support from Kiehl's, too, to his credit. One time he came to their party in a gold sweater and gold pants - well, the spitting image of Oscar.
And here a video that I shot the other day. It's very quiet, and also memories of how I was pleasantly spent time does not prevent allergy, pestered me that day.
32 seconds in Central Park from on Vimeo .
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