Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hair Industry Strengths

What is the good life:)

I add the live version of "Tomber la Chemise" group Zebda. Publish a longer version here before . Why I like it so? Because the group consists of immigrants, refugees, and generally marginalized, and kopniętych through life. I look how sad and devastated?

This is the good life to be yourself, and get up even as you copy all the ****. Get up again and again and again. And not on what some people consider to be good: the crushing others, destruction, demise, brutally pushing aside potajemnymi attacks, and secret intrigues, etc., etc. And then czyściutką jacket or fresh makeup, and no one will notice, because who has a Mercedes Benz, Service Cristal, giant TV, fame and money is a better man?

" Poland is not dead, as we are alive ... " as think where it came from? And it was easier to give up and resign - like all the Poles expected ? Since rozbiorcy were so much richer and "better"?


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