Monday, May 16, 2011

Cover Letter For Graduatedental Hygiene


Last week a lot of things happened. In Uganda, the Parliament was filed legislation that would proposed to equate homosexuality a crime punishable by death would be. Fortunately, the bill did not get enough vote to be tabled. Many people believe that international pressure in any case would make Uganda a stop to this madness, and that bill was introduced only in a low political game, but in any case, the fact that such barbarism in general could discussed at such a high level once again reminds us of the need to fight for their rights. And never forget that this is the fight.

Here why I am pleased to inform you that my share of the proceeds from the sale of perfume «Second Cumming», made for me a brilliant Christopher Brosiusom amounted about $ 2500 for the first quarter sales, and I handed the money of the International Commission for the rights of gays and lesbians (abbreviated IGLHRC), in order to help them work towards the fact that countries like Uganda have become safer and more sane. Thanks to everyone who bought a toilet water, and please recommend it to friends, because I bought it, they will not only smell good but also do a good deed! (Click on the picture to the right to make a purchase).

last week I got a penalty for what was going on a bike not a bike path! The policeman, watching traffic, caught up with me on one of these to small electric typewriters and demanded that I went on bicycle lane, and this has crossed the busy four-lane traffic, somehow managed not to fall under the wheels ambulance rushing to the challenge. Yes I know about the bike was boiling a lot of controversy - ever since, as Robin Williams was released without punishment, despite that he rode a bicycle on the sidewalk. New York traffic police NYPD then violently criticized for pandering to celebrities and for condoning to cyclists in general. But you know what? I believe that this is true - to be punished for breaking the law, no matter how stupid did not seem that law. Well, I have full right to require that every street in New York were bike paths, and I do not have to think, I do not Narva on the fine, wrapped around the corner. You hear me, Mayor Bloomberg? And here is the picture of police issuing the fine to me.

And another news: Beige, legendary party, held Tuesdays at the bar Bbar, ceases to exist. On the top picture, I give them their due. It was the first place I went, he moved to New York. The New York Times asked me to write about it and share memories. But first, when they approached me, I was on vacation, and secondly, my most vivid memories too obscene for The New York Times, and for this blog too. But here's one tiny episode: One day I broke the bar there. I grabbed the edge, a little reached - do not know why, should be to disperse the alcohol in blood - and fell to the floor with the rim of the rack in his hands. Happy Days.

Original text of post here .
Post transferred olfa_f


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