Monday, May 30, 2011

Egg Free Salmon Croquette

Vertigo ... Nature Magic

Because I do not feel too well, and in times of weakness of the absurd idea of \u200b\u200bdeath is always close, I wanted a few things to improve. I had the impression that I wrote in one of the newest entries much as it could have been misunderstood. Probably all wrong everyone can understand, and especially the Internet easily. But despite this, it can explain something better.

I can barely concentrate with fatigue, so I'll try to briefly

first I do not think that anyone who is advertising on my blog is always a "stupid" or "malicious", only that the ads may be a stupid and malicious, and thus destroy the life and interpersonal communication.

second There are only these types of ads that add:

A. People who have ads for the first time try out, and do not realize the implications
B. individuals in financial difficulty who are trying to make money where and as soon as you can (what I understand, because our situation is not cheerful, serious illness is still impossible for me to work, not to mention the cost of medicines and special studies)
C. Blogs charitable adding ads logical reason - earnings per share or a humanitarian project, ecological, etc
D. Companies and businesses are leading blogs 100% commercial lines, logically Such a professional site to advertise their services, or services related companies. To this category belong blogs of prominent persons, artists, journalists and famous chefs, etc, etc, who sell their own books, paintings, music, services etc
E. And finally, people who are sufficiently rich, but still want to have even more . What do you honestly do not understand, but as they say "no rich man does not think that it is rich, something not everyone." As in the tale of the golden rybce ...

And the problem is primarily where the situation is masked and stowed away. Where do people who are planning to start a professional salary, first hiding in the robes "jolly fun," "major", and worse, "the group of friendship and good friends." That's it and that is why I criticize kanibalizację, and the destruction of mankind. How business is business, do not pretend the "good gay friends" and not lie. How do you want a real friendship and contacts in niekomercjalność celujcie. If the situation forces you to ads, do it honestly and openly. If you plan to start a business and profits, do not pretend "little personal blog." It only points of criticism that I had.
[photos are from the flickr creative commons, authors are Pranav Yaddanapudi and Evan Leeson ]

Skagit County Ocular Migraine Specialists

Mango Day

This vest my mom refused to buy. That it look awful.
know the feeling when it does not like to be around her, but I feel in clothes that you wear great?
Well, I still did not give the council time and mom bought this vest in the manga.
surroundings takes me.
Such as I am? Beautiful
examination sunny afternoon: a)
Zrz *

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Options For Missing Molars

Nothing like leave the theater full of thoughts, feelings, all spread .. so .. this movie had such an impact on me, but It seems to me that this is just best to leave something in me that I will remember
not leave it at the theater loved the rain, all drenched with ruined shoes, lie down in bed and think about the end of the world I suggest

Friday, May 27, 2011

Vains Appearing In My Breast

☆ ☆

world's best recipe for a recipe for a new energy. Nothing clears the modern toxins, poisons, and physical and psychological, as the usual sounds of the sea (here the Baltic Sea near the Hel Peninsula). Or walk Polish forests or rain or watching whales in the middle of the ocean ...

(most recommend click on the arrow mark 4, or "full screen")

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Post Menstrual Tingles

one who danced with me in the middle of Mongo Bongo
one who gives me a flower in her hair
one that makes me Happy

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Best Daily Driver Muscle Car

interesting film about veganism in TVN

explain why I do not like veg, and why is "supposedly" helps me to fight the disease. But I think that this short film pretty well shows a lot of things, especially with regard to better health with food plants.

few quotes from the movie: "(...) We have examined
approximately 150 children of whom around 70 on a vegan diet, vegetarian. More deviation from the diet food happened in the conventional diet. These were the excesses of fat, cholesterol and large shortages of fiber, vitamin E and magnesium - says Margaret Desmond, a specialist in children's nutrition. (...)" "(...)

repents the idea that a vegan diet for children is harmful, that eating meat is necessary for optimal health. This is untrue. The worst thing is that so. authorities are not familiar with it and proclaim dyrdymały - eat meat you healthy - said Professor. Janusz Książyk, Department of Pediatrics Center for Child Health. Epidemiological studies on tens of thousands of vegetarians or people who eat very small amounts of meat show that such persons much less likely to suffer heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and obesity. And more recently been shown that vegetarians live longer. (...)"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Swollen Temple After A Filling From Dentist

New Couple Dress

Or as the evening approached me in a foreign guy that wants to shoot me too
Or how I also felt strange (see that word?)
Or how I'm the bought a wonderful new day Dress in HM
tonight Or how I spent a wonderful day with a man in Manchester!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

How To Wear A Blue Pencil Skirt

Happy Birthday, Harvey Milk!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stomach Bug And Farting


Kamo, and so we went to Café87 Orangina for you.
best to orange red that's more than clear.
Then he took a drink I've got a bag and did not truly as if I have it (the drink) had a relationship with a mug McCafé.
Vive Orangina and beautiful days of sun!

Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Increase My Tac 5 Velocity

Request a faith in humanity

Meaning do not earn this blog and never will earn . My blog is my virtual house. I am very happy when anyone visits him, and even more glad to where someone adds a comment. Unfortunately, it seems that this is not the era of blogging businesses ", and the general climate of suspicion, jealousy and fear, something normal or natural. The fact that a few blogs and apparently earns a "mountain of money" just writing, the ingress of comments and "looks nice" spreading attacks inhumanity. Internet impressive Wild West, where every word, every person and each entry can be a sudden "treasure", and everyone watching around the vibrating or someone to not run again, screaming like a madman, "Gold, I found gold!" May only do not miss, for him to quit ...

As a little older than a teenager, and after 11 years on the Internet (anniversary soon), I wanted to here only to clarify a few things straight:

A. 95% of people earning anything your blog are Americans, or people or less More American descent, writing in English. The topics that fascinate other Americans, or which seem good, homely and "real." Is this good or bad, this is simply a fact, because the U.S. is one of the largest, wealthiest, and most dominant countries of the internet. Often people earning on the internet already have more than enough funds in the "real" life.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
B. remaining 5% of earners on blogs is a whole other world. These are blogs by people who are so outstanding and distinctive, that he would be famous and popular in any other place of life, just by chance happen to be on the internet, blog and just had their first contact of the world.
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C. A few people simply still young and has a playful approach to life, some do not understand what is going on, some are fascinated by the beautiful-looking offerings. Everyone must make their own decisions. But there is confusion, strange atmosphere, and generally leads to distrust and sadness .. Ah, what's to explain: / I just leap out and run away!
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
D. And besides, as formerly in the Wild West, there are unspecified some people who are so full of aggression and enthusiasm that crashing into anything and destroy what they will "freeze" the road. A few of them actually something earns after the destruction and zaofiarowaniu literally own humanity. Most end up in the catacombs of the Google Supplementary Results - or are blocked by Google for reasons of violations of regulations of the Internet. As is well known as Google you will not find it cease to exist on the Internet.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
E. Well, I - my blog, think logically for a moment that I have a "chance" ever to earn anything? My blog is 100% private, I am a person very ill, rarely is there a provision, and if it's only vegan or vegetarian. To protect My husband's work I can never write what I am here, give my address, my name, place of residence, any data more private. In general, I live far from the Polish. So none of this and figs with poppy seed: a) Because even though there's been some Martian company that wanted to advertise something, how should I send payment when I can not give my personal data (because my husband, after a very severe crash pair years ago, literally threatened to divorce me if I do not care about privacy and our lives!)
---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
F. And why did not I added the string "blog niekomercjalny? Because I do not want to! I want to be able to add "advertising" companies vegetarian, vegan and organic! If someone asks me about advertising of vegetation, and send me information about them by e-mail, I buy the product (paying for it herself!), And I like it, of course I will "advertise". Nothing that was not making money, but it's advertising. And these ads will not prohibit you here:)

course I love my blog, I want to be the most most most beautiful :) I worked before the onset of the disease with a computer, know how to program, I am a long time on the internet, I know how to build a blog. I'm doing it myself, anyone not paying for anything, and nobody helps me. I actually found the treasure: the treasure of mankind, a treasure of such contacts, despite their remoteness from the Polish, the treasure of learning and improving my skills, even though I'm so sick and lost my job, the treasure of positive surprises, and the people who not only barely barely cope, but are literally brilliant answers to the questions which made me tired so far with no end ... etc etc etc. When I visit it is happiness, and days of gray turns into a beautiful and magical:) Thank you for every visit, counseling and even trivial two words. I'm far from the Polish, the family remains dispelled the world, here, even banal 2-3 words in Polish nobody did not say: /
[photos are from the flickr creative commons, authored by Denis Collette and Adam Foster ]

Hillsborough Wear Outlet

Yesterday I took part in presentations channel CBS. "Oh my God!" - That's all I can say.

First, there was a party at the Carnegie Hall, where they represent the new show and reported on changes in the old show ("Good Wife" will now be on Sundays, at nine pm), and from there we moved to Lincoln Center. All this part of the day I felt an exhibit on rural fair - another comparison and not podberesh. There was a lot of advertisers, they walked to and fro, looking into the fenced off paddocks, which were cast from different shows. If an advertiser wanted a photo with some of the actors, rope, wall enclosure, raised, advertisers ran inside, and allowed them to consider the actor closer and cuddle him. I barely kept from being able to not bleated! Then there was a great evening where I met many old friends. I also went на вечеринку моих друзей в Kiehl's, которые выпустили новую серию средств ухода за кожей Kiehls Gives. На фотографии я с Деметром, замечательным парнем, который очень does a lot for sex education and HIV / AIDS prevention - support from Kiehl's, too, to his credit. One time he came to their party in a gold sweater and gold pants - well, the spitting image of Oscar.

And here a video that I shot the other day. It's very quiet, and also memories of how I was pleasantly spent time does not prevent allergy, pestered me that day.

32 seconds in Central Park from on Vimeo .

The original text of the post here .
Post transferred olfa_f

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Hang Swag Curtain

18th 5

I love it here .. Flora .. and today we had to go there again! Park in London as ouyeah
Leisure, learning English, reading the new Elle sunbathing
I still had to drive like an ostrich, although to me it looked pretty weird and I was afraid that I was his ardent gaze Sears, but all good turned out!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is A 4cly Wrangler Good For Off Road Driving

Cookbook Moomins - Moomin cook: D ☮

Quite by chance I found this book while reading blogs (as you see it pays to keep track of as much as possible). This first of its kind cookbook Moomin supposedly contains all the rules known from books about Moomins, and other Finnish regulations by Snufkin, Tuutiki and companies, all with beautiful, half-melancholy illustrations of the Tove Jansson (which I like much more than those Teletubisiowych animated version) Unfortunately, nowhere in Polish I did not find, so look menacingly toward the frowning brow Polish publications. How is it possible that such a miracle has not yet been released in Polish? Since Moomin with us so they are probably just as popular in Finland, where they come from?

book in Finland and Sweden, was released in 1993, besides, it is long since sold in France. An English translation is on the market for about a year. More about the book can be read (in English) in this blog , and Guardian newspaper article from the UK. English can be bought and read in a book such as Empik , but where a Polish version, where, where, where? D:

Cover Letter For Graduatedental Hygiene


Last week a lot of things happened. In Uganda, the Parliament was filed legislation that would proposed to equate homosexuality a crime punishable by death would be. Fortunately, the bill did not get enough vote to be tabled. Many people believe that international pressure in any case would make Uganda a stop to this madness, and that bill was introduced only in a low political game, but in any case, the fact that such barbarism in general could discussed at such a high level once again reminds us of the need to fight for their rights. And never forget that this is the fight.

Here why I am pleased to inform you that my share of the proceeds from the sale of perfume «Second Cumming», made for me a brilliant Christopher Brosiusom amounted about $ 2500 for the first quarter sales, and I handed the money of the International Commission for the rights of gays and lesbians (abbreviated IGLHRC), in order to help them work towards the fact that countries like Uganda have become safer and more sane. Thanks to everyone who bought a toilet water, and please recommend it to friends, because I bought it, they will not only smell good but also do a good deed! (Click on the picture to the right to make a purchase).

last week I got a penalty for what was going on a bike not a bike path! The policeman, watching traffic, caught up with me on one of these to small electric typewriters and demanded that I went on bicycle lane, and this has crossed the busy four-lane traffic, somehow managed not to fall under the wheels ambulance rushing to the challenge. Yes I know about the bike was boiling a lot of controversy - ever since, as Robin Williams was released without punishment, despite that he rode a bicycle on the sidewalk. New York traffic police NYPD then violently criticized for pandering to celebrities and for condoning to cyclists in general. But you know what? I believe that this is true - to be punished for breaking the law, no matter how stupid did not seem that law. Well, I have full right to require that every street in New York were bike paths, and I do not have to think, I do not Narva on the fine, wrapped around the corner. You hear me, Mayor Bloomberg? And here is the picture of police issuing the fine to me.

And another news: Beige, legendary party, held Tuesdays at the bar Bbar, ceases to exist. On the top picture, I give them their due. It was the first place I went, he moved to New York. The New York Times asked me to write about it and share memories. But first, when they approached me, I was on vacation, and secondly, my most vivid memories too obscene for The New York Times, and for this blog too. But here's one tiny episode: One day I broke the bar there. I grabbed the edge, a little reached - do not know why, should be to disperse the alcohol in blood - and fell to the floor with the rim of the rack in his hands. Happy Days.

Original text of post here .
Post transferred olfa_f

Te Best Ways To Masterbaet


We were on the flora.
Not on the Prague and we have not been sitting on margarine. We went just to learn. On the lawn. Why? Because it is nice!
It was nice to spread the papers (to feel good), strawberry open, displaying mug Mc Café. Have you done a massage.
Anyway, be full of sunshine! Let
examination begins.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Males Psi For Urinating


nice, and I May (Forest).
Or how we three and later four, six or even twenty went to Olomouc rag.
Daly for: Desperado with guarana, a citizen of cigarettes and antidepressant fish, grilled and smoked cheese úsměvných few moments on the way to wine.
The wine was now a little more cheerful.
Rag is great for several reasons: we were together, we were on the grass (some are on grass with grass), we were singing and the sun, sunbather, laugh and drink and watch, and gossiping.
Anyway. Rag Day is fun.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hair Dryer On An Ear For A Fever

For rozchmurzenia husband, because Vincent van Gogh is his favorite painter:)
[picture is from Wikimedia ]

Average Cost Of A Homemade Go Kart

Vegan kitchen - instantly ☮

So, in one entry, which indicate the family members, guests, friends, colleagues or clients (eg If you run a café, club, bar, restaurant, pub, etc etc), who eat in a 100% vegetable. Quick entry for the web generation who does not stay anywhere longer than a minute: o)

I am writing this because I am very tired sometimes an excess of literal ignorance, even among people who generally know as a smart, witty, educated and creative in the kitchen . But confronted with the words "vegan" or "100% vegetable dishes" change suddenly backward, "kindergarten", or literally meets arrogance and aggressiveness: / One of the sad sign of such a strange change is very upset or question "what are you actually eating?", or, if the person finally, sighing heavily, for about Contemplate 3 seconds, literally gets some nieprzyprawione, overcooked, or literally raw and without sauce, often half wilted, waste / leftovers from the kitchen. And this is what the people say is the only vegan food that exists / is possible in niewegańskiej kitchen /

And it really is very simple (and cheap addition):

first The first rule is simple - if you give yourself something you did not move even with a stick (ie everything that is half wilted, half rotten, nieprzyprawione, burnt, completely overcooked, zeschnięte, or generally any visible kitchen waste), it is simply a literal expression of rudeness , ignorance and discrimination.

second All are eating vegan or nearly vegan dishes, and without interruption. Just stop to think that someone who mentally "attacks", and approach the matter logically and humanly (all these proposals cheap and contain ingredients used in any kitchen): ripe fruit gladly eat every ☯ salads and fruit cocktails with sugar and lemon with fresh vegetables ☯ just do salad with vinaigrette (ie, vinegar, oil, mustard and spices) ☯ any fungi, especially pickled or fried with onion , for example, fit well with the bread ☯ generally vegetables can be stir-fry or grill and serve with fresh breads ☯ different pasta (traditional Italian pasta and pasta are not contains eggs) may be served with tomato sauce , mushrooms, broccoli , vegetable almost all of the usual bread, rolls, croissants are automatically vegan, this is always possible to give the jam and something to drink, no one like dry bread (except logic) ☯ various grits with fried or grilled vegetables , or sweet fruit in syrup quick fried rice in olive oil with garlic , onion, herbs and vegetables noodles almost all soft drinks, tea, cocktails, juices or espresso black coffee with brown sugar and cinnamon salty sticks and pretzels potatoes in various ways, such as the world-famous french fries or fried in olive oil with onions and mushrooms , red pepper, ☯ Vegetable soup easy based on vegetable stock, primarily potato, cabbage soup , borscht, beetroot , split pea soup , bean , fruit soups, and soups under-mixed vegetables (thickened with potato or zmiksowanymi roux), soup served with croutons normal (chopped into cubes and fried bread), fried in olive oil, You can also sprinkle roasted nuts delicacies of all kinds (ie, nuts and dried or candied fruits) ☯ compotes, jellies and fruit in syrup sauces can be cooked well-mixed of fruit or vegetables with spices, dark sauce on the basis of mushrooms, onions, garlic, flour and oil (we roux and add the fried mushrooms, etc.), vegetable sauces are prepared, eg ordinary ketchup in different versions, mustard, chili sauce , soy sauces , other Asian sauces most any milk plant is usually - pickles and preserves , sauerkraut, marinated mushrooms , marinated olives , dried tomato / garlic / artichoke in oil, other vegetable and fruit , washed fruit, jams and marmalades chops with fried vegetables, potatoes and oatmeal (if you do not hold, mix 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon olive oil and add to ground) ☯ basic spices for example sea salt, brown sugar, pepper, vinegar, garlic, herbs, cinnamon, vanilla, etc, etc, the main fats are olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, coconut fat (nasty cheap margarines should be avoided rather ) ☯ fruit ice cream with fruit juices, mousse fruit and sugar (just mix, pour in mold and freeze, cheap molds sells ice cream sticks such as IKEA), or you can cut freeze ripe fruit, like bananas and mangoes , then as a dessert in a cup, or mix the removal from the refrigerator, and reported as ice cream in pucharku, with a simple chocolate sauce chocolate ☯ noble, hard candy , drops, lollipops , marzipan, halva , sugar pearls dumplings, croquettes or patties (no eggs, go well, just like Italian pasta, trza only water, flour and a pinch of salt) with mushrooms , cabbage, pumpkin and onion , vegetables, berries , strawberries, plums , jam ...

third People eating 100% vegetable (for whatever reason, it is often a health or ethical reasons and spiritual thirst / religious, but not only) can not eat "tiny" amount of eggs, milk, meat, fish, cheese etc etc. This also applies to gelatin, lard, or soups / broths from meat or bones. Even small quantities of animal products can cause serious health problems, are even diseases in which animal protein leads to the destruction of epilepsy and stroke. Honey can be a point of discussion, I myself eat honey, but many vegans renounces it.

4th I do not know why I have so often repeated, but no one likes to eat "dry" or if all you have for the guest is a piece of bread or a muffin, then at least give this jam and tea :)

5th If you really want to be hospitable, is a look at the vegan and vegetarian bloggers seeking further regulations, and treat for the guest soy cream (for coffee, or fruit), a liter of milk plant (and you can just make a pudding or custards) and vegan hot dogs:) You can also buy (or make yourself) vegan mayonnaise to sandwiches really were dry:) And remember peppering vegan dishes to add an additional tablespoon of olive oil and brown sugar, because that's what mainly cause the cheese or bacon in the food - sweet aftertaste and extra fat

There may be some vegans kind of "young and angry, but A. no young and angry people in the world there would be no way changed for the better, most vegans B. just wants to live in peace, and yet everyone wants to eat something normal, not a waste and debris, and C. as it is polite and civilized man, and completely without reason, it is treated as either a lunatic ufoludek, even the quietest could break
☮ Give Peace a Chance ☮ (ie, try without war: o)
[ Images are from Wikimedia]