Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Is My Left Side Hurting Above The Waist

Chapter 9. Ban

Syndrome Yandex, as I like to call it - a wild desire to Russia's search network to find its way into the world's Internet users with a single side creates a huge number of niches for a living (the ability to bypass various rules search engine), and the other is constantly trying to fight with the consequences of his own disorderly politics.

What am I doing? In autumn 2007, Yandex slapped hard ban a huge number of sites for so-called pallets - Selling cemetery links at the bottom of the site. If larger and older sites have survived, all those who could not boast of such figures departed from the search. And, therefore, no longer interested in the advertiser-tenants of these links.

For me mass ban struck twice. First he knocked out my selling sites. And then indirectly hit vareznikam which had the same policy of posting links to earn additional income. As a result, I lost a few hundred sites for selling links - they are not dead, but the money to bring virtually ceased. A varezniki lost traffic with Yandex and also fell on earnings - traffic from bookmarks and Google has never been on them significant.

So, a couple of weeks, I lost about four fifths of its earnings. Exchange slipped too seriously, because from participating webmasters are the same problems - traffic has fallen. It was a fiasco. If I had at that time had a blog, I would write - everything gone!

first five days I sat on the couch and watched TV with a bottle of beer in his hand. The second five days, wandered the streets, looking at passers-by. October came out cold and rainy: people on the street, wrapped in scarves and collars quickly flew by, hurrying about their business. And I looked at them and wondered what I would do now. May be true on the job get? Fall from about ten thousand to about five hundred bucks - it was a real shock.

At the end of the second week of concern about the lack of calls came to my mother. Of course, she thought I was in despair and idleness ruin oneself by drink, even the folds of hand checked - if not kolyus. And then began a soul-saving conversation. So many admonitions I have not heard in all my years in school when the truant from lessons and brought a red colored paste diary.

mother steadfastly ignored new repair and furniture, expensive equipment - in fact not from the sky as they fell. Her only interest me to find my place in life. Which one? Permanent jobs, as her or his father, but not those in the computer game that I showed her once. On the second day I gave up and said that I would find a job. On the third day, after seeing her mother on a train I'm on the way back stopped at the bulletin board - he saw that someone looking for a system administrator's office.

Someone was mestnogoy tax inspectors. Eight thousand, five working days, and potential treatment. Oh, they knew they would, whom to hire. I wrote the statement and the next day was the employee tax inspection as a senior assistant junior administrator.

total of the tax was about a hundred different models of computers and year of production, combined with an intricate way in something like a working network. Was in this maze, and the server, who managed his uncle Dima. Uncle Dima nothing but this server was not engaged. If he was granted a minute, then he or asleep or sat in the little world (mirc - a kind of communication environment). Dima was not supposed to touch - The server stores all the basic information on taxpayers of the city, so it depended on the performance thereof - will now work tax or not. Everyone else was team of three people, I became the fourth.

When the ITV network computers and almost as many printers, every day something breaks down and requires maintenance. Another story - the cable. A huge amount of paper in the building attracts mice and rats, the struggle which is variable success on each side, so the network wire is constantly subjected to attack, then animals, then Krivorukov employees, just bad weather, on a whim where leaking roofs and caused a short circuit through a small crack in the plastic sheath.

I, as the youngest and smallest of the growth and the volume occupied rung network - walked through the building, climbed into air ducts, down to the basement and measured using a small priborchiki Signal the cable fault finding. Work is not hard, but dreary. Sometimes I trust challenges in classrooms where I have fully learned the wisdom of this method of correction situation, how to turn off and then turn. One of the guys on our team named Vasya dealt only with tax programs and dubbed Dima, when he absented himself. Two others were worn at least my constantly resetting vindous and drivers. By the way, the whole vindous was illegal in the inspection. As Microsoft Office - but who's going to penalize tax.

When was issued a minute, I looked at it, what does John, Joe, and if lucky, you and Dima, but the latter rarely was elated. Revelation for me was that all such important information is essentially stored as an old book on a shelf in the library - any if desired, can come and see. Saved only that the network was closed and most employees - technical Downey. After some time I have mastered a simple client - a program that Dima wrote for my own needs, not to run every time in their offices. Use this client all of our guys - Curious just who has what millions pass through securities. Theoretically we could have something to correct, but no one seriously thought about this, and why? In addition, each knew that the all-powerful Dima double logging system of any changes - it could easily be installed on any computer, put a comma in the string.

most fun times were holidays, when we were together all sent away for a long time, locking in their cabinets, littered with stuffing: cables, motherboards, details computers and peripherals. Put a bottle of vodka under her poisoned stories about stupidity of our sponsored. I have no doubt that the exact same stories etched but about us in other offices. The atmosphere of friendliness in the inspection did not differ.

the New Year I have developed a new rhythm when I am going to tax, In the evening sit down at the laptop and checked the papers on the sites. In December, the amnesty was part of the site and returned to the index. Fully income has not recovered, but began to grow. At the first place once again went varezniki and Exchange Commission. I began to think the reorganization of the business connected with the sale of links. Exchange will not Share, moreover, after the mass market if the ban was an impetus for development: like mushrooms after the rain began to appear whole team of webmasters to produce sites for a living on the links. I watched a few weeks the topic in one forum, where the boy was selling a day for three or four sites.

I created my Temko, through which was to merge their nedovarezniki. I was able to rivet their dozens. Here, too, and sold dozens. Five bucks thing. Ordered more design and deployed business in a big way. At times a day took ten to fifteen sets of ten pieces. There have been empty days, of course, but overall sales of joy.

New Year to spend at home, where I was for several months. I pre-bought gifts to parents, myself obnovok and prepared for a journey. Father met me at the station, if I did not know the road. All the way, he said nothing that looked very very mysterious. We went to the apartment and heard a woman's twittering from the living room. I looked his father.

- we have guests? - He nodded grimly. Not unhappy, but rather dull, like "Sorry, son, I did everything I could."

From the living room we went out to meet her mother and an unknown my girl from the category of "nothing special": a good figure, an ordinary person, pale makeup - on the street I would at this and did not glance.

- Meet, Eugene - is Oksana, - Happily told me my mother.

And here I was as struck by lightning. Mother took me to the bride groom. Holy smoke! I wanted this moment to throw all the presents at the door and run back to his apartment.

- What stood as a pillar? Undress! On the table all have long standing - his mother was elated and bustle of big usual. - Genia in our tax work, which was used around the people in uniform schedule walk.
- Mom! They are not military. The same civil, as you are.
- All well, they are the same! You go my hand.

situation at the table was like a funeral. I am the father and the girl were silent, saying only the mother. Oksana, like a chameleon changes color from white to face crimson and back - her mother praised her skills in cooking and domesticity. I wanted to insert something like, "Mom, why me, this home broody?", but I'm struggling restrained, so that really did not blurt out.

It saved my father and the president. With chimes, we opened Champagne, which is already a father of varnished vodka with juice. So in a moment the sounds of the maternal voice has shifted to the periphery, and then completely disappeared.

in our city related to drunken akin to the small child: upivshegosya in nehochu man must be delivered to the point of rest, undress, was packed and Ukroyut blanket. And no complaints in the morning. If a guy does not hit, does not change, money brings the house is doing something - that home algokolizm perceived as a necessary evil. In the end, the women also have their drawbacks.

morning of the first of January, when taken to start a new life, I've met in my bed t-shirt and shorts. Could only hope that Oksana did not help the mother to undress me. I crept on tiptoe into the kitchen past the sleeping parents and took a sip of pickle from an opened jars with cucumbers. Worth serious consideration my mother's decision to keep a comfortable for her girlfriend.

If I just remember everything, it was his daughter Oksana materininoy friend at work. Oksana herself worked as a librarian at the school, the same time studied at the Philological absentia. Somehow, I thought, if she has points. I thought, every self-respecting librarian should wear glasses.

I slowly went through the options to abandon parental care in матримониальном вопросе, попивая рассол, когда на кухню вошел отец, почесывая пузо под майкой-алкоголичкой - а я думал, что их уже не выпускают.

- Пойдем, покурим, - Yawning, blurted out Dad.
- Come on - I did not smoke, so that got out of the fridge a bottle of beer.

On the landing in the stairwell was quiet, as if the town had died. No cars passing, or sounds from the apartment. Although the clock was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

- How do you materinina bride?
- Yes, it moved! What is the bride? I am seventeen more!
- You do not make a noise. Eighteen at hand. Although I am the mother once said that you do not like.
- You bet!
- she insisted. And her friend too, her daughter to all ears chanted about your virtues. Apartment, work, live in the center. For the girls - it's a chance! - Father noisily dragged and released a dense tangle of smoke. We were silent for a bit.

- The mother did not tell you the main, - continued my father, - she talked to her friend, she lets her Oksana with you on the weekend for you.
- Ohuet! - I tried when parents hold back, but this one was different. - Why?
- You are not small. You understand. Get used-rub - here his father sly wink and then turned serious - You're it, girl it do not hurt.
- Yes nafig it to me! And tell mom!
- The mother did not hurt, she tried - is strictly the father said. - Do not like it - room two. Walk, and then send home. Say, that did not work, do not you come to each other. Not sure what the mother at this rest, but before the next visit to impose one will not. Got it?
- Got it - I said gloomily. Everything as always, decided for me.

mother furnished focus even more fun - to give all the desire for self-Oksana spend the weekend in the cultural center. Yeah, a cultural center: cinema, two nightclubs, so the park with a skating rink. I pretended to believe him. So the next day parents have performed at the station and made a handle.

the train Oksana looked at my sour face and said:

- Do not worry, I will not impose. This is my mother I very much want our families intermarried. I just did not contradict. Peresidim quietly a few days and then I'll come back and say I did not.
- Excellent, agreed - I like a stone fell from the soul.

I took Oksana his room - the former grandmother again, having moved into the living room. As long as I dragged my computer Oksana has already mastered in the kitchen and then in the business sent me to the grocery store. And why do women always my team?

After dinner, I have already dragged the girl the club - have fun, so fun. Should be it looks very strange: I get drunk at the counter methodically, and Oksana annealed on the dance floor, almost slips with dancing guys - do not expect from her this dance pryti, but after each dance came back to me, taking a chair near where I rest while guarding her handbag. I drank, she danced. I continued to drink, she danced all the brighter, more plastic and faster. When the ceiling was spinning disco, I called taxis.

We lived like brother and sister. I can not explain why the - Oksana was interesting, very pretty and smart girl, but I have no desire to did not cause. I never saw her as a woman. We walked around the city, went to the movies, I even jokingly dragged her in his arms and threw her into the snow, but did it so innocently that No one will suspect me of molesting. Oksana cooked us meals, cleaned the apartment - not a bit the mother lied about her domesticity. I sat there almost all the time the computer, making and sending sites or viewing statistics - on the Internet there is no output.

holidays are over. On the last day I spent Oksana shopping and napokupal her any trinkets in the gift. She's so cute embarrassed that I spent twice as much as planned.

plump bag I barely dragged before the train. We warmly said goodbye, and even embraced. Oksana kissed my cheek and then, laughing, long wash with it traces of its "eternal" lipstick. Then he jumped on the bandwagon and disappeared in the depths of the car.

Left alone in the apartment, I was surprised at a sudden silence. Turned on the TV for the noise and went into the bedroom - it was time to return to its original location of the dislocation. Perestilaya bed, I found Oksanin robe - he still smelled of her perfume, neatly folded it and put it on a shelf in the closet. Few lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and nothing thinking. Then he dragged the computer, took the phone and found the room an old friend of Elvira, a nurse from the clinic.

- Hey, you're free now? .. Excellent. Come on.


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