Chapter 15. Ridding
- I will soon become a father - for some reason, I said, not looking up from the sight of Anna - he tightened me like a whirlwind. Dizzy.
- Yes? - The girl smiled. - How things change. For some reason I thought you were ... no one will find. Permanent. Married?
- No, but this idea - I gradually began to take himself in hand. - In a cafe?
- Come on.
close to shops, where I was going to drop, was a small basement cafeteria. I ordered us coffee, Anne More and ice cream. Himself, stirring with a spoon long dissolved sugar in a cup, just sat and watched as she eats.
- What brings in the city?
- Yes that's involved in collecting signatures for the salvation of Aktarskogo Reserve.
- What?
- A small reserve in the Urals - it wants to flood a reservoir for a new plant. Until all on the stage of the project, so I must make it clear that we against this barbarism!
- We - who is this?
- We - it's you and me, and generally every partial Russian - it sounded like we were in the elections to the local city council.
- something I certainly indifferent.
- Do not talk like you - good. I know. Nice and reliable.
- Come on.
- has long been living together?
- With whom? Ah yes, .. with Oksana. We live not so and long. Encounter - a few months.
- Good ...
- And you?
- I? I - a free agent. I'm with everyone and at the same time with anyone. Nobody permanent, if you mean it.
- a long time to us?
- None. A couple of days. How do I feel that I have no interest to anyone, just go away - she looked at me.
mobile rang. I glanced at the screen - Oksana rose from the table and went into the corridor.
- Yes?
- Where are you? All right? I'm worried!
- All right, dear. The news is big, so I thought, and slipped a little shop. I'll be home.
- Okay. Eugene?
- Yes?
- Take another little cream - we ran out.
- Yes, I will take.
I went back to the table. Somehow, after a call conversation flagged - we both silently began to drink coffee.
- I do not see one - finally, I decided.
- Why did I go? - Anna leaned back in his chair and looked at her briefly trimmed nails. - Sometimes there are circumstances that are stronger than us. And they are not always pleasant. I had to go to Samara. But I could not go and leave you without farewell. Especially because I knew that I need your energy. You are very strong, but not all see it. And for me, you seem to glow. So all I can - is to leave a piece of yourself and pick up a piece of you.
- Why do not you tell me? I myself did not find the place.
- Because you could go with me. And in this case I do would only worsen the case. Now everything is in order. But time changes everything. You get married, I ... Now, collecting signatures.
Anna, depressed, silent. I do not find that else to say. Girl podyala head.
- I was afraid of only one thing - what do you hate me.
- You're crazy!
- Here are some differences. Was glad to see you. I'll go - Anya sharply rose. I also jumped. She looked at me, squinting his eyes, and suddenly grabbed my head and kissed his lips. I replied, but when my hands are stretched out to hug her, she abruptly pulled away.
- Sorry, it was goodbye - she picked up posters, threw his backpack on his shoulder and walked quickly toward the exit. I went down a chair, sighed, and then finger showed the waiter that he gave the account.
home I did not began to tell and explain. Yes, I did not ask - just taken from the hands of food and left alone. Sometimes I think that women are much smarter than men - they almost always feel when you have to give pause to the words.
I bought a month before his leather chair - a large, white, rotating on a metal tripod, any director would have died of envy. I climbed into the chair, legs crossed, so that the chin rests on his knees, and stupidly staring at the screen. So it turns out that any decisions I take after long periods of thoughtlessness. I do not know how to suffer and do quests - just look at one point, and then out of nowhere comes a solution.
Ten minutes later I pulled up and created about dozen topics on different forums. Everything began to turn.
I put up for sale all of its online property: the affiliate sites, satellites, even dorveynye mesh together with hosting adverts-accounts in foreign affiliate. Merges all for nothing in the mode of auction, but even this pittance drew about twenty thousand dollars. More about fifty remained in my Cash - something in the accounts, something in the box under the bed. Was to receive a round sum.
I got out of bed the living room where something was whispering Oksana with her mother.
- Ksyunya! Do you have a month to choose where we go on vacation, but tomorrow I will give the documents for registration passports!
Ladies my numb, and I returned to the bedroom - I have started a pleasant sensation of itch soon get rid of all that hemorrhoids, which I suffered past few years. Judging by the flashing boxes on screen - wish it was enough.
I sold everything in different sections of different lots, so that the price of each Auction has grown in its own way. Fastest growing in the price of the latest dating-affiliate - I gave it working, with partners, the accompaniment of billing, it was only necessary control electronic purse on his change. For several hours the price has risen by half and continued to grow.
In second place was a satellite empire. I sold out it piece by piece, creating lots in relation to the hosts and registrars where they are located. Total sold out about three hundreds of sites, so that was something to make money. At some smaller lots the price has risen fivefold, but the average rise was slightly less than twofold.
rest went around just above the initial price. Couple lots remained unheeded. And to hell with them. I threw them all twice the price - and immediately emerged buyers.
rear door opened. Step by step, I realized that it Oksana came. She hugged me from behind his neck and pressed her with all the warmth on my lips. Her lips were puffy, soft, slightly moist.
- Kitten, I'm so glad. I was afraid that You vosprimesh it is somehow wrong.
- Yes, okay, I just was surprised.
- You bet! I am very shocked! - And why do women so often lie. I will never believe that you can fly into accident.
- Do you think long, you should choose a country where visas are not needed and where it is warm in winter. How about Goa? Or Thailand?
- Maybe you choose?
- Zaya, this is my gift you so choose herself.
Oksana came out. I leaned back in his chair. Slukavil after all. What's the gift. I wanted to escape away from all these problems, suddenly shrinking fingers around my throat. Returning to the monitor, I continued the auction race.
auction - a special way to sell anything via the popular forums. The more people online than they are active, the merrier and the better he runs the auction. The owner puts a lot of conditions stipulate a minimum price, and when finishes the race. Usually indicate the time after the last bet - a day or two. If during this time does not appear participant with a greater rate, the auction is declared completed and then everything in the hands of the winner and the owner. Since communication on the forums frequently anonymous, then the deal may fall apart.
second phase of sales - Is the transfer of projects and the transfer of domain names. If the transfer is pretty simple - give the keys to the host, where the project is located, or a draft set for hosting the new owner. Something with the domains is much more complicated - the domains in the RU zone are transmitted only by a notary. In cases of large transactions registration process is as a result of the meeting both parties to the transaction in the notary office or the registrar's office. Difficult? Yes. But for serious money may go.
Since All such deals are extended in nature, it is always difficult to negotiate, in a moment will pass from hand to hand is money. Usually the first to receive all the most influential party. If you need the buyer, then it will return the money before the get the project and domains. If the buyer does not trust you, and you tell him trust - it will all happen vice versa. The most difficult and nervous time in the transaction.
For me, the whole situation is more complicated due to the fact that I sold all the parts. In the end I had to book a hotel for a week in Moscow, and draw up all the deals out there. In my room began to grow slowly slides the money. By the way, from thirty-five thousand dollars, which as a result of trades I was able to help out, only fifteen were in registration in Moscow - the rest was done remotely for e-currency. A fifteen thousand - it's a half pack of hundred-ruble notes, so I just got it all in rubles, they came out a few more. Therefore, to do not suffer, I threw in the nearest branch of the bank all the money to the card account and quietly sighed, patting the deserted backpack. Whatever you say, fiddle through the capital with a knapsack full of bills, was troubled. I'm not afraid of robbers, but the fact that police patrol was able to stop, and I probably would not have been able to figure out where did I kind of money - I feared for real.
sale, transfer projects and the domain registration of passports - all stretched out not a month and a half. So that by the end of November, we were finally able to sit at a table with Oksana with booklets to choose a place for our trip. Visa-free countries abound. Money we have enough to go to any. So the difficult choice.
was coming to, but I received a tempting offer from one person - their sales I was really stirred up the muddy waters of so-called seoruneta, so that I have received many letters - I was invited to Singapore to relax and socialize a bit. Brewing good project, so that all the wishes of my half were ignored. Within three days I got visas for us both and we left for Moscow to fly out in warm and sunny Singapore.
When our plane gained altitude, the NTV came the first report of fraud with SMS. In fact, in this era of instant fake-dating and over. After some time, earnings began to fall in direct proportion to the number of articles in the media and the dissemination of information about the sites-blende structure. Casters партнерки стали внедрять сайты с инфотоварами - различные тесты и руководства, а чуть позже появились и первые сайты с запароленными на смс архивами, на короткое time again after returning confidence in the active sales of air. But running it a wave of dating in the same volume and not recovered until now. And God bless him!
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