As do a lot to answer for what stories are coming from, here's a rough alignment of the heads. This article not included in the total number of chapters and created solely to answer some questions that have arisen among readers in one place. Sort of epilogue to the thick books, only here it is - in the middle.
prototype of the main character lives in the same city with me. Today, 23 years old. We met several years ago when he worked remote optimizer in a competitive office, then went into porn, teasers, paysite, Pharm. He now has several of its partner programs and exchanges, the firm Offe, earnings, significantly higher than the total earnings of all bomzhelenty. A very lucky boy. Sometimes we speak - he's pretty secretive, and online special was reflected not. Still, on his way to take only part of the history and general characteristics of the character. Ie He did not live in a small town, and whom he fucked - concepts I do not have. But the cynic and the poser - is yes. And charismatic.
Chapter 1. History of the basics of earning on the free - a typical story for those and later times. Was still in my friend, he was 40 years old and a huge collection of porn - more than 4 GB, of which he collected their sites. And earned from the sale of traffic and advertinga. Me - the story One of my interlocutors online - he explained how difficult it is to change their zamuhryschenske webmoney: he made an appointment, transfer money and at some bridge exchange occurred. Every time my companion Ssali - give him money or throw.
Chapter 2. The story about a drunken sex with a fellow sister - the story of my classmate. They drank so much that Kohl turned off, and joined in an apartment with a friend of his older sister, no panties, lying side by side. Living near him on the old school was riotous. And once he fell on his DR at the cottage from the balcony head first into peat and drunken friends decided that he broke and ran. He had to fly srach clean one. As far as I know, now Kohl in Moscow - hi, Nick, if you'll read it! About CJ - personal experience. When something is seriously fascinated by this, but quickly tired of it. My earnings reached $ 50 per day at zero CJ.
Chapter 3. About the network - part personal experience, partly a real success story from the network only when the boy made his company for laying nets in its zamuhryschenske. About the site - the history of the son of one of my old clients.
Chapter 4. Compilation of my memories of obschazhnoy life at university. I used to live at home, but with the guys from the hostel met. Of course, the Wi-FAE and laptops in my time we could only dream of, so it is clear fabrication and a transitional chapter - in order to confront your hero on a number of specific actions.
Chapter 5. Personal experience. Of course, it was not, as in the chapter, but the main moments preserved: and conglomerate, and a prototype of the novel and the site and the model. Is that the development of history was not, after the close of the project Novel engaged in other projects, not connected to the Internet.
Chapter 6. Referral to link with vareznikov - is the history of the main prototype. Anya has a real prototype, even two. Both alive Both today are married and have children, but it was their stage in life, when interest in this life in all its manifestations was more important than everything else: hence the ease in relationships and mysterious disappearance.
Chapter 7. The complex is deducted from the popular in their time the complex Button Bablo, only he did not psevdovarezniki, а псевдохомпаги. Лена - вымышленный персонаж, но у каждого в жизни была на пути такая лена. Поведение героя и его месть за избиение на пустом месте списана с одного my friend. Written off until the photos in an envelope - but it is certainly not a schoolboy.
Chapter 8. About gangsters - one long look at the stories of one adverts. After he with the help of some thugs got separated from the others, had to finally pay tribute to the Savior, yet managed to slip away to another city. Popander-exchange - again with the prototype. The story about voennik - a compilation of about five stories told to me by different people. All the slopes through a bribe.
Chapter 9. Ban slapped on the person mine sites. Not only in October and in November 2008 - but for the sake of harmony and narrative can invent. I have lost from 20 sites 18, retired under a full ban. And 30 bucks a day earnings fell in just a few weeks to 10-12 and it was because I started hard to add new sites to Sapa. Howl at the time was terrible serche. Employment Tax - A compilation of one post of Learn about working in tax and my experience about the same positions in the military hospital. About Oksana - fiction, of course. Although everyone was so Oksana on the road, so there's also a compilation of several young women is taking place.
Thanks for reading. Thank you for your comments. That means I'm doing something that is interesting not only to me. Subscribe, will continue to be interesting. Criticize, agree, remember something of my own - I read all the comments but respond to them or not - I leave behind. Forgive, that's my novel, my story, my confession. In a sense, is a chronicle of manimeykinga and let a remains.
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