Chapter 6. Last Love
spring everyone starts to move down the roof - all want love. And I was no exception. If someone thinks that the students in the province are sexually active and engaged svalnym sin in a state of permanent intoxication - Forced to disappoint. Find a permanent girlfriend is not so difficult, but the tie on the basis of such a relationship is more than just hold the hand - a rarity. Adolescent sex education tends to zero, and templates, tried and tested since childhood, until recently holding back closer contacts. Before the wedding no-no.
course, sex among teenagers is, but it occurs mainly in two situations: the need to prove or show that you're an adult or adults. The second option - sex while intoxicated. Sex between peers is rare, the girls tend to develop relationships with those who are older them, even knowing that anything serious they can not wait. Guys remains communion with his own hand.
In any case, none of this contributes to the development of romantic relations between peers. In class the girls were defiantly ignored the guys. Guys, on the contrary, for the most part they behaved like complete fools, nastily giggling over any attempt to girls to show their femininity: an extra button in her blouse unbuttoned, line strings are clearly visible under pants or skirt in oblipku.
the time I brought her stay at school until almost complete absence of, or serving. I frankly was sleeping in class, because the night spent on the Internet at work. Questions and evaluation, I ignored it. Dressed in the morning that'll get your feet and hands. I often grab a school laptop, but not for чтобы похвастаться, а посидеть на переменах добивая очередной код или текст - работа, которую я мог делать и без Интернета. Поначалу одноклассники шеренгами went for me, considering my device, but eventually got used and left behind, giving me to consider the female team.
figure out how I looked like by: laid-back, dressed sloppily, with the laptop. Complement the glasses - night work started to kill my vision and I had to man up two lenses in a frame. I was different from his peers. I think I even looked over. And in my speech there was a certain swagger, which can be attributed only My low opinion of the role of schools in my future life. I was rude to teachers and did it beautifully.
- Streletsky! Asleep again?
- Yes, Maria Ivanovna should I even sometimes sleep.
- What are you building something I can not sleep?
- At home I have a case, but here only you and parties.
- That's from people like you in the end obtained only janitors ...
- And the math teacher!
My diary streak record of misconduct and two, but I do not pay attention to them. Attempts to influence me through Parents, too, ended in nothing: his mother, I neutralized by replacing his father at parent meetings. A father of my studies has been absolutely no interest - far more than its wondered whether tomorrow biting on a fishing trip.
result of all this struggle was that teachers were pointedly ignore me, a quarter of exposing Three. They are expected decided that doing something with the student on the threshold issue is stupid, it's easier - and hang on to part.
Classmates also continued to struggle for the certificate, covertly and overtly jealous my behavior. This is particularly affected girls. I ignored them. Preoccupied with their projects, I even forgot to masturbate at times, so little was the testosterone in my blood. What were the girls? And considering that I've seen everything, actually became a professor in the theory of sexuality in all its manifestations, looking at all options for copulation between individuals of both sexes of different species and age, I began to apply to girls as to a certain design life.
I'm not blind, fine saw all these views, who flew with me during class and at recess. I saw that they passed, as if they are accidentally touched the edge of my desk or my shoulder. It did different girls: cute and not very advanced breast and flat as a board, no longer a virgin, and much more shy their friends. But I did not care. The life of me, but I did not perceive them as women, especially - my potential women. I've been busy. And the women I just prevented at this moment - even just thinking about them.
Earnings link will appear about a year earlier, but this year it became clear that it is quite interesting in terms of income sector. I stumbled on this topic at one of the blogs, where I was searching for information on new ideas. The essence is simple: to put a link to your site, you pay for a while, until the link is in place. Setting references made without hands, and using the code that you implement on your site. Thus, for you all think and decide myself affiliate program, which is called Exchange. And you just do websites and get paid.
very way seemed so simple and straightforward that I just used it for their vareznikov. The first exchange was, it seems speyslinks. Links were put there-through - one link directly on all pages. And then I discovered the exchange sape. It was a real breakthrough, since sape payment was for each link on every page. I could put on the site of thousands of pages of links, not ten, as in speyslinks, and ten thousand, and get paid for each. My salary increments have doubled, and the most important parameter of a sudden become not site position in search, and TIC - setting quality of the site, whose value determines the search engine Yandex.
But the most important thing was that I was finally able to bring his mother to a computer and explained that's how I'm doing a money from your computer and give her five thousand rubles - My contribution to the family budget. The implication was that this is a smaller part, but most I have left on their antics. Say that most of the much larger and these five I took them from a fresh pack of a hundred thousand - I did not. The mother, having received money, began to cry. Her work was paid eight thousand, father - twelve. This money is more than enough to life in our town, given that we are fed with the problem. But such a large sum from the hands of his son sent for my indulgence in the eyes of the mother until the end of the school year. Unlike many other parents of children from larger cities, my mother relished the thought that I will do in college. In my generation there was only one road - To the plant. Or in the dark.
Solving a problem with my parents, I began to think about where to invest. Most of all I wanted to buy a car. But I was sixteen years and until a human it would take enough time. To contract for the purchase of real estate or business, I also could not or did not have the opportunity. So I updated its technical series. Just this year the city had the first federal mobile phone operator, and the best cell phone I had - one of the first Communicators in Russia. I gathered myself the most feature-rich desktop computer and updated the laptop. That's all. There was nowhere to spend more. And revenue grew.
Walking perfect April day lessons at school, I went to the cafe, has already started in the prevdverii season. There were only three tables and I took the last one. While I waited its cola and ice cream, asked permission to sit the girl. Low, dark, in the shales on bare feet, in a short skirt, do not hide a good long feet. On one side hung a small rag-bag. Even by eye it was older than me. Year for three or four. But her face - from the category of those who remain young even in forty years: thin facial features, small nose, big eyes, dimples - present puppet face.
brought my ice cream and cola. I ate ice cream and looked at the girl. At first she pretended not to notice how I stare. But then broke down and smiled.
- Eugene - I was introduced.
- Anna - she replied.
- Not here? - I asked.
- so much?
- Not very, but very similar to this.
- I have relatives here. I decided some time to live in your city ...
word for word, and after the first ice cream followed by a second, and then, and a cocktail. We talked for probably half a day, not moving. Anne arrived from Samara, leaving on time at university. There are people who suddenly decided that they are doing is not his job abruptly removed from their seats. Anna was one of those. Took an academic vacation and left. After passing half of the country and visiting with random and not very human, she suddenly turned back and ended up in our town, where she lived distant relatives, which, although they marveled at the sudden visit of the great-niece's second cousin, but the bed was taken. Solving the problem overnight, Anna was looking for work: sit on the neck she is not used.
Anna, in her words, draw well, including a computer. I thought about it and offered his help in the search. I took the girl to the bedside table, whose agency has got to that time only for the whole neighborhood for outdoor wide-format printing machine and actually has a monopoly on the outdoor stands. Do not know how or what was said Anya and nightstand, but the place she has received. I think that my service here was partly. Bedside table was a businessman, though, but fair and honest: and for us to Nicholas, she earned a very good thing.
After that I lost sight of the strange girl with big eyes. Especially because I had to leave out of town - this time granny grabbed longer an imaginary way. After a week of home treatment the doctor laid her in the hospital, but I refused to leave, visiting old woman in the hospital twice a day. And the work I could and here: the Internet, I spent another summer, the laptop was always with me.
Imagine my surprise when I met Anya on the street in the regional center. It seemed to me, too, was glad. Bedside sent her foliey and even some of my things for outdoor advertising. In addition, she must was to spread something on customers that were in the advertising agency at the center. We met just when she was going back to the station.
- Maybe in a cafe? - I asked.
- why not - she smiled.
We spent several hours near a cafe, killing cocktails and ice cream. Anna was a collection of stories that drew this map of the country. During their messy shoots away she could travel around dozens of cities, each taking a piece from memory. Of course, as a result of our conversation, Anna missed the train. I honestly wanted her to be late. And did it. After that fairly invited her to spend the night at Grandma's apartment. She easily agreed.
Having an apartment, and Grandma lived in a small two-bedroom apartment has built Brezhnev, Anne closed the door in the grandmother's bedroom and asked about health of my old lady.
- Normal like today was, doctors want to hold it another week.
- It's so bad when ill loved ones.
- Yes, bad.
- Let's just decide - Anya went to the couch in the living room - you will sleep on the left or right? I love the left.
And here I was sweating, and thousands needles pierced my body from toe to the crown of the head. I said nothing. The words just stuck in my throat.
- Think. I'm in the shower - and a thin scent of her perfume slipped past me into the bathroom.
When she came back I had to lay a sofa and firm, about ten times thinking, I decided to spend the night at Grandma's bed. I have already left the room when Anna stopped me and kissed me. And then taken back to the sofa. Along the way, her hand touched the switch. Room and my mind sank into the warm darkness.
I was awakened by the hissing. He opened his eyes and was just beside trampled sheets. Judging by the position of the body, I slept all night right - a gentleman, and then there. Hiss went from the kitchen. I pulled the pants as cowards and have not found and moved to the smell. Anya in my boxers and t-shirt frying eggs.
- Sorry, not pancakes, you have no milk.
- I do not like milk.
- Sit down, now we eat.
I sat down. But one question and asked to be on the tongue. Not even question.
- You are so simple.
Anya turned and with a sly squint looked at me.
- And you need a game to play, pozhemanitsya? This seems silly. You clever and nice. I'll interesting. I like you too interesting. Why then unnecessary ceremony.
- It's like something ...
- Wrong?
- is unusual.
- Let it be so. But I think everybody is happy. Or not? - She jumped up and pecked her lips are mine.
- I'm happy. And how.
- That's nice. Eat! - And on my plate slid slice eggs. The second followed on the second plate. - Do not bother. All right. No obligation. Want to say goodbye, just say it.
- Do not want to.
- want, then you want to. This life.
- A wonderful you are.
After eating, she quickly changed her clothes and disappeared from the house, along with rolls of foil. I have not had any of its contacts - no phone, no address, just place of work. And so would again hear her voice. I would just break her, but could not leave the granny, who during a visit to the hospital with interest looked at my smiling face and wondered about the reasons for my mood.
few days, occurred Friday, the grandmother is doing better, and before its discharge had a few days. I became a little get together and clean up - had to leave the net granny flat. All the more so after leaving my grandmother decided to stay with the mother, specifically picked for this holiday Monday. But the bell on the door I was surprised - not thinking that her mother would come sooner. On the threshold stood Anya. In tears.
- Something is wrong?
She went to the apartment and gave me a hug.
- Just do not let me go, - she whispered in his ear. And I will not let go. Even when she began to eagerly kiss me, if she wanted something to prove this. She practically pushed me into the living room and dropped onto the couch, simultaneously tearing off his clothes. It was some other girl. But I would slukavil that did not like me. Although a bit scared I was ...
But much stronger than I was scared this morning when he saw her again over the cooking eggs - milk, I never bought it. Like yesterday there was no tears and unbridled sex.
I did not ask anything. And she did not tell anything. It's been crazy days when the afternoon we were strolling through the town, holding hands, and at night did not release each other from close embrace. Sunday night we went together in our little city. And the more I saw her.
On Monday, she went to work. And when I went to the bedside table, then she stated her bewilderment. On Tuesday, Anne is also not left on work. And on Wednesday. I tried with all their mental faculties, and a week later found her relatives. According to them, I learned that on Monday, Anne packed up and left. The exact address it in Samara, they did not know - too distant relatives. So she simply disappeared from my life. As if it never existed. What prompted her to leave suddenly, Were the three days of farewell - I never knew.
But with it went the desire to love someone. In order not to lose. Of course, what my age, and all can be. But caused pain still lives in my heart. And no one has it yet to heal. So everyone is my first love, and I immediately was the last.
To somehow stifle desire to see and hear it, I began to spend more time with your laptop. And that, oddly enough, led me to one thought. I once said themselves - and this is a good idea, man. And he began to gather the necessary information.
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