Chapter 7. Scar
May started for me with a serious investment in the Internet business. I ordered my first fully automated software system. One part of this complex was a spider, which collected information from other vareznikov. The second script by pressing a button on embedded data hosting and domain did and poured a ready site for a few thousand pages. The third script prospamlival ready sites on the basis of vareznikov in comments to articles.
whole lot of incomprehensible words means that from now on the process of production sites has been reduced to me a touch of a button. Click, and the new site has already gone to the people. In appearance, these sites were similar to those varezniki that I did my own hands, but they do not increase with time. They were all static sites under sale links, that is a site made exclusively for a living. In a sense, I stood at the origins of the great mass of psevdosaytov with which two has started to vigorously fight Yandex. But then it was new, the sites quickly indexed by search engines and began to make a profit.
Complex cost me about five thousand dollars. Two for the programming, a thousand for the first batch of fifty patterns, and two more on hosting and domains. Expensive? Perhaps but at the time when the topic of the Internet sites for selling links is dead, the complex managed to bring seven times more spent on it.
One of the troubles with the new site, I just let go of his head to school. And when he decided to look into the case, and at the same time to correct the situation with the certificate, I discovered that the headmistress little moved. The school decided to hold a prom for the American traditions: each had to find a mate and come to her on graduation day. The implication was that a couple should choose from among their classmates, at the worst of the parallel class. I was on all these games do not care with a high bell tower, but the girls like mad gone - the only talk was who and who will go to the ball. Most of the boys succumbed to the same mood, and asked me - with whom I go to the ball.
steal so a million, so to fuck the queen! I decided to participate in this race vanity. But why do I kind of ordinary pimpled girl. I needed the best. The case presented pretty soon.
Center consumer interest in any small town are not supermarkets in major cities, and the market. Stowage and grocery markets often coexist, introducing a motley variety of stalls and vendors. And the less work in the city, the more stalls in the market. With parties can even seem that all city residents not only buy and sell as a commodity vary among themselves - so many sellers and not enough buyers которые сами ничего не продавали.
Я зашел на рынок подыскать себе новые джинсы, старые дали трещину в самом интересном месте и требовали замены. На втором I saw the circle next to the shop with dresses Lena - the star of our school theater and the first beauty issue. Lena even from a distance gave the impression of: turning a figure, white long hair, thin elegant hands and an incredible natural plastic. Her face only enhances the effect: a large green eyes, small nose, Large red, even without lipstick lips. Lena was a good one. Mess just the cow's glass eye - not a single thought other than a sense of superiority it was not.
Lena chose the dress. Her parents were not rich, ordinary slogger, like most kids in the city. The difference was just that for the sake of their daughter, they infringed upon itself all over, highlighting the darling last pennies to buy another outfit. As far as I know, and father and her mother worked part time menial jobs that Lena could afford more. But even this is more forced now to stand and choose the best of the worst. Obviously, the money from the Lena was a little bit and it plagued saleswoman, turning rags on hangers. I went and watched.
After about ten minutes I realized what dress wants Lena. She is constantly returns to him, touched and starts to touch others, trying to find a suitable replacement. Was not acceptable and the clerk again and again up and down his stick with a hook next to clothes hangers.
I went to the very same dress and looked at the price tag. He was much less than I put money in your pocket before leaving home. It turned out not so great and Lena requests. Looking back, I met a girl look that is completely pulled the shot. After removing the dress, I handed it to Lance.
- Hold - and I started the calculations with a girl. When finished, the Lena was in the same position. It was evident that in light of its head to make ends meet not converge. I had to help. - It's yours, you do it like?
- Yes, but ...
- Present. How about a milkshake? - Until she came to, I took Lena's arm and led him in the cafe. I have included a fifth the speed of stupid conversations and filled pause, until finally she could not find some inner explanation of my generosity. Then is it including the fifth speed stupid conversations that I had a long listen did not.
apologized for the lack of time, I threw on the table the bill, with interest closing price of two cocktails drunk, stood up from his desk and lifted his chin Lena and struck a light kiss compressed lips. Said "bye" and walked away.
Calculation on boorish behavior was businesslike true. The fact that I would never imagine would not let the other girl, this place hit the mark. When he put on a pedestal, you are involuntarily begin to bow before those who ignore the pedestals.
Lena went to the very next day. It was clear that she wants something to express that her anger just about will break out and flood me and with me and half the school. But the brilliance of her eyes expressed the same sense as there in front of her dress - no. Therefore, yet nothing unexpected happened, I took the initiative.
- Hi, today Euroset brought new mobile phones, I think it's time to change you tube.
great pleasure to observe the internal struggles in this small light head. And, of course, should not have to force it to overheat.
- I hope you did not dress for the prom was. I think that will have to go to the center to choose something better, but then I would be uncomfortable if my girlfriend would look like worse than I am. By the way, about the cell phone, wait for me near watch after school - I went up to a distance of impact and quickly but gently held the back of the index finger in the face girl. And he went to exit. If it was not necessary to preserve the importance, I would have ran. But I marched, introducing her reddening on the complexity of the situation face.
had to be absent from two classes that do not meet eyes with Lena ahead of time. I spent this time in a city park on a bench, sucking liter bottle of Coke and wondering whether the girl is waiting for me at the specified location. I was not at all sure of this, feeling like a complete idiot and a moral monster. And it is absolutely in vain.
Lena was standing watch as battered ground squirrel - all the same for the dog she was too beautiful. I nodded my head and flew past - in the toilet, liter cola suddenly recalled about yourself. When I returned, Lena does not even left the place. I took her handbag - a gentleman I or anyone, and took her hand. We went for a mobile phone.
From the side it may seem I bought her location. But it is not. Money was only a tool. In fact, she needed only to show their ability to manage it. All have strengths and weaknesses, but vanity - probably the weakest point of all. It is necessary to learn how to take him and victory always remains with you. But then it all happened was rather a coincidence of my teenage and adult perfectionism precocious cynicism. I was almost all the same, as will end my adventure, which has become the key success - my confidence has prevailed in our brief struggle.
I do not advertise our relationship with Lena, believing that she will do everything for me. It just happened. Only in its interpretation of it was she has tamed the lion, that is me. I did not mind, most importantly, that Lena with her charisma to protect me from the attention of other girls. The views they are still throwing, but that's were the views losers race. Lena loved to come to me for a change and stand side by side, putting his hand to me on the back. Sense of such a state was a bit since I talked only with guys, but she had to emphasize that we are together. At the end of the changes I smacked her in the sponge or cheek and walked behind his desk, and she for her. Performance and only.
Using the fact that my work with the sites was in many ways-automatic, I decided to put pressure on their studies. Not so much to study, but rather on the teachers. I have become increasingly come to school and even do homework. Exams approaching, I decided to get a passport with a normal average score. Through negotiation I managed to mitigate the relationship to oneself at the expense of electives in the second shift. I have to pay them, as complementary purporting to be from the parents. And are the lessons to come with candy and flowers. Double bribery played a role - my grades magically become corrected.
After one of those second shift I went home. Suddenly I fell down. Already hitting the asphalt and drive down facing him, I realized that this was not an accident - I did not stumble. Not Before I could rise as a new blow with his foot already turned me down. And here I began to beat. That nothing was broken, I folded, hiding head in the elbow and was hoping just that no one will jump on it - the skull thing is strong, but did not want it to check in practice.
shots knocked the air from the lungs so that breathing was difficult. But I remained silent, slowly trying to see what the cattle swirls me how much in vain. At first I thought that here it is payback for a couple of years of earnings in the gay network and now I begin to chop the money. But no, when the first shock passed, I began to go through that with the hissing exhaled from a one-hitters. What was my surprise, I was getting on the kidneys and the face of Lena. A young man in sweat pants poking at me with his sneakers, reinforcing that their requests to keep up with the girl.
suddenly felt so sad for so gopnichesky way to understand the relationship. How do I know that Lena with someone met me before. Try it first talk with me, then I would calmly handed him his Lena, or at least offered her own choice. But no, the guy led his cronies, and now they wonder how much knock out of me dust and the spirit in the asphalted road.
After ten minutes fervor podupal cronies. I have not tried to climb, so lazily poked me ends sneakers they left me to wallow in his own blood. And, of course, leaving the hero-lover hissed:
- That I ever even saw it!
After lying still for about ten minutes, I found the strength to straighten up. Imagine my surprise that it turns people walking past - no one tried to intervene or help. I quietly sat down and spent easy invetarizatsiyu losses. The back is almost not affected - it defended a backpack full of notebooks. But his legs were all bruised, his hands and face were smashed in the blood. Hardest hit the right side of his face, for it had a few strokes with the toe of the shoe. Of the things suffered only a mobile phone, three sheets in spite of the broken on the cover. And the keys in the pocket of one of the blows pierced his leg slightly.
Another ten minutes later I was able to stand up and limping, he continued the way home. Fingers so swollen that I could not find the key, and rang the doorbell. The mother gasped and took my body into his arms. Once I otmylsya, it turned out that I had cracked eyebrow and broke his nose. Mother - a nurse at the local hospital she stitches on his eyebrow and smeared me with iodine from head to toe.
Otlezhivayas couple of days at home, I went through in the head solutions situation. I was like one genie that the first thousand years, would endow the person who freed him, the second thousand years - is simply not to cause harm. By the end of the second day I came in my mind just at the stage of the third thousand years, the genie. I went through papers in his desk and found a telephone romance, single, who, in my opinion, could help in solving my problem.
Roman drove to see me the same day. After talking about his small business, I explained that I wanted to get even with offenders, and money is not the issue. Roman asked for time to find the right people and went to call back in the evening. The sum of thirty thousand well I arranged. I packed the money in an envelope and went to the rented flats Roman - walk my mother had already been resolved.
After three days of Roman brought me the same envelope but this time with photos, where I could consider her abuser, lying in wet pants at a construction site. Individual pictures were devoted his mouth full of fragments teeth. I returned the envelope to Roman and thanked him.
Three days later received a summons to the investigator. I went and gave testimony that I know nothing about such a and then some. In fact, we do not bound except for one incident in the street. And I, of course, and nobody saw nothing. I made big eyes and sympathetically grief of parents. The boy appears to have lost nearly all his teeth and a broken leg, which now treats at the hospital. Investigator and strangles. In small towns its laws and the laws of the Russian Federation is not the first place. So why get into the personal squabbles. The matter was not filed.
I came to school a winner. I did it myself not felt, but could not ignore that haunted me throughout the views of their peers. Lena, a silly fool, trying hard to show his concern, I could not see her. But as time passed, the wounds were overgrown. Once safely and quickly passed the exams. And finally, a certificate almost entirely of quads and the ball where I'm with Lena were chosen king and queen. Nonsense, but pleasant.
was more champagne and a taxi, giving and inept sex - virgin Lena was not, but more than just open your legs in one position is not moved. Everything. School ended. It's time to think about what to do with themselves in a new life. Although, as for me, then for the last month I received a lesson of adulthood is hardly more than some receive for fifty years. Sometimes now, at this difficult moment I come to the mirror and touch a small scar rasskayuschy my eyebrow in half, thinking over what and how he got to me.
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