Sunday, October 31, 2010

Free Movies Online Killing Me Soflty

Chapter 7. Scar

May started for me with a serious investment in the Internet business. I ordered my first fully automated software system. One part of this complex was a spider, which collected information from other vareznikov. The second script by pressing a button on embedded data hosting and domain did and poured a ready site for a few thousand pages. The third script prospamlival ready sites on the basis of vareznikov in comments to articles.

whole lot of incomprehensible words means that from now on the process of production sites has been reduced to me a touch of a button. Click, and the new site has already gone to the people. In appearance, these sites were similar to those varezniki that I did my own hands, but they do not increase with time. They were all static sites under sale links, that is a site made exclusively for a living. In a sense, I stood at the origins of the great mass of psevdosaytov with which two has started to vigorously fight Yandex. But then it was new, the sites quickly indexed by search engines and began to make a profit.

Complex cost me about five thousand dollars. Two for the programming, a thousand for the first batch of fifty patterns, and two more on hosting and domains. Expensive? Perhaps but at the time when the topic of the Internet sites for selling links is dead, the complex managed to bring seven times more spent on it.

One of the troubles with the new site, I just let go of his head to school. And when he decided to look into the case, and at the same time to correct the situation with the certificate, I discovered that the headmistress little moved. The school decided to hold a prom for the American traditions: each had to find a mate and come to her on graduation day. The implication was that a couple should choose from among their classmates, at the worst of the parallel class. I was on all these games do not care with a high bell tower, but the girls like mad gone - the only talk was who and who will go to the ball. Most of the boys succumbed to the same mood, and asked me - with whom I go to the ball.

steal so a million, so to fuck the queen! I decided to participate in this race vanity. But why do I kind of ordinary pimpled girl. I needed the best. The case presented pretty soon.

Center consumer interest in any small town are not supermarkets in major cities, and the market. Stowage and grocery markets often coexist, introducing a motley variety of stalls and vendors. And the less work in the city, the more stalls in the market. With parties can even seem that all city residents not only buy and sell as a commodity vary among themselves - so many sellers and not enough buyers которые сами ничего не продавали.

Я зашел на рынок подыскать себе новые джинсы, старые дали трещину в самом интересном месте и требовали замены. На втором I saw the circle next to the shop with dresses Lena - the star of our school theater and the first beauty issue. Lena even from a distance gave the impression of: turning a figure, white long hair, thin elegant hands and an incredible natural plastic. Her face only enhances the effect: a large green eyes, small nose, Large red, even without lipstick lips. Lena was a good one. Mess just the cow's glass eye - not a single thought other than a sense of superiority it was not.

Lena chose the dress. Her parents were not rich, ordinary slogger, like most kids in the city. The difference was just that for the sake of their daughter, they infringed upon itself all over, highlighting the darling last pennies to buy another outfit. As far as I know, and father and her mother worked part time menial jobs that Lena could afford more. But even this is more forced now to stand and choose the best of the worst. Obviously, the money from the Lena was a little bit and it plagued saleswoman, turning rags on hangers. I went and watched.

After about ten minutes I realized what dress wants Lena. She is constantly returns to him, touched and starts to touch others, trying to find a suitable replacement. Was not acceptable and the clerk again and again up and down his stick with a hook next to clothes hangers.

I went to the very same dress and looked at the price tag. He was much less than I put money in your pocket before leaving home. It turned out not so great and Lena requests. Looking back, I met a girl look that is completely pulled the shot. After removing the dress, I handed it to Lance.

- Hold - and I started the calculations with a girl. When finished, the Lena was in the same position. It was evident that in light of its head to make ends meet not converge. I had to help. - It's yours, you do it like?
- Yes, but ...
- Present. How about a milkshake? - Until she came to, I took Lena's arm and led him in the cafe. I have included a fifth the speed of stupid conversations and filled pause, until finally she could not find some inner explanation of my generosity. Then is it including the fifth speed stupid conversations that I had a long listen did not.

apologized for the lack of time, I threw on the table the bill, with interest closing price of two cocktails drunk, stood up from his desk and lifted his chin Lena and struck a light kiss compressed lips. Said "bye" and walked away.

Calculation on boorish behavior was businesslike true. The fact that I would never imagine would not let the other girl, this place hit the mark. When he put on a pedestal, you are involuntarily begin to bow before those who ignore the pedestals.

Lena went to the very next day. It was clear that she wants something to express that her anger just about will break out and flood me and with me and half the school. But the brilliance of her eyes expressed the same sense as there in front of her dress - no. Therefore, yet nothing unexpected happened, I took the initiative.

- Hi, today Euroset brought new mobile phones, I think it's time to change you tube.

great pleasure to observe the internal struggles in this small light head. And, of course, should not have to force it to overheat.

- I hope you did not dress for the prom was. I think that will have to go to the center to choose something better, but then I would be uncomfortable if my girlfriend would look like worse than I am. By the way, about the cell phone, wait for me near watch after school - I went up to a distance of impact and quickly but gently held the back of the index finger in the face girl. And he went to exit. If it was not necessary to preserve the importance, I would have ran. But I marched, introducing her reddening on the complexity of the situation face.

had to be absent from two classes that do not meet eyes with Lena ahead of time. I spent this time in a city park on a bench, sucking liter bottle of Coke and wondering whether the girl is waiting for me at the specified location. I was not at all sure of this, feeling like a complete idiot and a moral monster. And it is absolutely in vain.

Lena was standing watch as battered ground squirrel - all the same for the dog she was too beautiful. I nodded my head and flew past - in the toilet, liter cola suddenly recalled about yourself. When I returned, Lena does not even left the place. I took her handbag - a gentleman I or anyone, and took her hand. We went for a mobile phone.

From the side it may seem I bought her location. But it is not. Money was only a tool. In fact, she needed only to show their ability to manage it. All have strengths and weaknesses, but vanity - probably the weakest point of all. It is necessary to learn how to take him and victory always remains with you. But then it all happened was rather a coincidence of my teenage and adult perfectionism precocious cynicism. I was almost all the same, as will end my adventure, which has become the key success - my confidence has prevailed in our brief struggle.

I do not advertise our relationship with Lena, believing that she will do everything for me. It just happened. Only in its interpretation of it was she has tamed the lion, that is me. I did not mind, most importantly, that Lena with her charisma to protect me from the attention of other girls. The views they are still throwing, but that's were the views losers race. Lena loved to come to me for a change and stand side by side, putting his hand to me on the back. Sense of such a state was a bit since I talked only with guys, but she had to emphasize that we are together. At the end of the changes I smacked her in the sponge or cheek and walked behind his desk, and she for her. Performance and only.

Using the fact that my work with the sites was in many ways-automatic, I decided to put pressure on their studies. Not so much to study, but rather on the teachers. I have become increasingly come to school and even do homework. Exams approaching, I decided to get a passport with a normal average score. Through negotiation I managed to mitigate the relationship to oneself at the expense of electives in the second shift. I have to pay them, as complementary purporting to be from the parents. And are the lessons to come with candy and flowers. Double bribery played a role - my grades magically become corrected.

After one of those second shift I went home. Suddenly I fell down. Already hitting the asphalt and drive down facing him, I realized that this was not an accident - I did not stumble. Not Before I could rise as a new blow with his foot already turned me down. And here I began to beat. That nothing was broken, I folded, hiding head in the elbow and was hoping just that no one will jump on it - the skull thing is strong, but did not want it to check in practice.

shots knocked the air from the lungs so that breathing was difficult. But I remained silent, slowly trying to see what the cattle swirls me how much in vain. At first I thought that here it is payback for a couple of years of earnings in the gay network and now I begin to chop the money. But no, when the first shock passed, I began to go through that with the hissing exhaled from a one-hitters. What was my surprise, I was getting on the kidneys and the face of Lena. A young man in sweat pants poking at me with his sneakers, reinforcing that their requests to keep up with the girl.

suddenly felt so sad for so gopnichesky way to understand the relationship. How do I know that Lena with someone met me before. Try it first talk with me, then I would calmly handed him his Lena, or at least offered her own choice. But no, the guy led his cronies, and now they wonder how much knock out of me dust and the spirit in the asphalted road.

After ten minutes fervor podupal cronies. I have not tried to climb, so lazily poked me ends sneakers they left me to wallow in his own blood. And, of course, leaving the hero-lover hissed:

- That I ever even saw it!

After lying still for about ten minutes, I found the strength to straighten up. Imagine my surprise that it turns people walking past - no one tried to intervene or help. I quietly sat down and spent easy invetarizatsiyu losses. The back is almost not affected - it defended a backpack full of notebooks. But his legs were all bruised, his hands and face were smashed in the blood. Hardest hit the right side of his face, for it had a few strokes with the toe of the shoe. Of the things suffered only a mobile phone, three sheets in spite of the broken on the cover. And the keys in the pocket of one of the blows pierced his leg slightly.

Another ten minutes later I was able to stand up and limping, he continued the way home. Fingers so swollen that I could not find the key, and rang the doorbell. The mother gasped and took my body into his arms. Once I otmylsya, it turned out that I had cracked eyebrow and broke his nose. Mother - a nurse at the local hospital she stitches on his eyebrow and smeared me with iodine from head to toe.

Otlezhivayas couple of days at home, I went through in the head solutions situation. I was like one genie that the first thousand years, would endow the person who freed him, the second thousand years - is simply not to cause harm. By the end of the second day I came in my mind just at the stage of the third thousand years, the genie. I went through papers in his desk and found a telephone romance, single, who, in my opinion, could help in solving my problem.

Roman drove to see me the same day. After talking about his small business, I explained that I wanted to get even with offenders, and money is not the issue. Roman asked for time to find the right people and went to call back in the evening. The sum of thirty thousand well I arranged. I packed the money in an envelope and went to the rented flats Roman - walk my mother had already been resolved.

After three days of Roman brought me the same envelope but this time with photos, where I could consider her abuser, lying in wet pants at a construction site. Individual pictures were devoted his mouth full of fragments teeth. I returned the envelope to Roman and thanked him.

Three days later received a summons to the investigator. I went and gave testimony that I know nothing about such a and then some. In fact, we do not bound except for one incident in the street. And I, of course, and nobody saw nothing. I made big eyes and sympathetically grief of parents. The boy appears to have lost nearly all his teeth and a broken leg, which now treats at the hospital. Investigator and strangles. In small towns its laws and the laws of the Russian Federation is not the first place. So why get into the personal squabbles. The matter was not filed.

I came to school a winner. I did it myself not felt, but could not ignore that haunted me throughout the views of their peers. Lena, a silly fool, trying hard to show his concern, I could not see her. But as time passed, the wounds were overgrown. Once safely and quickly passed the exams. And finally, a certificate almost entirely of quads and the ball where I'm with Lena were chosen king and queen. Nonsense, but pleasant.

was more champagne and a taxi, giving and inept sex - virgin Lena was not, but more than just open your legs in one position is not moved. Everything. School ended. It's time to think about what to do with themselves in a new life. Although, as for me, then for the last month I received a lesson of adulthood is hardly more than some receive for fifty years. Sometimes now, at this difficult moment I come to the mirror and touch a small scar rasskayuschy my eyebrow in half, thinking over what and how he got to me.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hives Swollen Ankles And Wrists

Chapter 6. Last Love

spring everyone starts to move down the roof - all want love. And I was no exception. If someone thinks that the students in the province are sexually active and engaged svalnym sin in a state of permanent intoxication - Forced to disappoint. Find a permanent girlfriend is not so difficult, but the tie on the basis of such a relationship is more than just hold the hand - a rarity. Adolescent sex education tends to zero, and templates, tried and tested since childhood, until recently holding back closer contacts. Before the wedding no-no.

course, sex among teenagers is, but it occurs mainly in two situations: the need to prove or show that you're an adult or adults. The second option - sex while intoxicated. Sex between peers is rare, the girls tend to develop relationships with those who are older them, even knowing that anything serious they can not wait. Guys remains communion with his own hand.

In any case, none of this contributes to the development of romantic relations between peers. In class the girls were defiantly ignored the guys. Guys, on the contrary, for the most part they behaved like complete fools, nastily giggling over any attempt to girls to show their femininity: an extra button in her blouse unbuttoned, line strings are clearly visible under pants or skirt in oblipku.

the time I brought her stay at school until almost complete absence of, or serving. I frankly was sleeping in class, because the night spent on the Internet at work. Questions and evaluation, I ignored it. Dressed in the morning that'll get your feet and hands. I often grab a school laptop, but not for чтобы похвастаться, а посидеть на переменах добивая очередной код или текст - работа, которую я мог делать и без Интернета. Поначалу одноклассники шеренгами went for me, considering my device, but eventually got used and left behind, giving me to consider the female team.

figure out how I looked like by: laid-back, dressed sloppily, with the laptop. Complement the glasses - night work started to kill my vision and I had to man up two lenses in a frame. I was different from his peers. I think I even looked over. And in my speech there was a certain swagger, which can be attributed only My low opinion of the role of schools in my future life. I was rude to teachers and did it beautifully.

- Streletsky! Asleep again?
- Yes, Maria Ivanovna should I even sometimes sleep.
- What are you building something I can not sleep?
- At home I have a case, but here only you and parties.
- That's from people like you in the end obtained only janitors ...
- And the math teacher!

My diary streak record of misconduct and two, but I do not pay attention to them. Attempts to influence me through Parents, too, ended in nothing: his mother, I neutralized by replacing his father at parent meetings. A father of my studies has been absolutely no interest - far more than its wondered whether tomorrow biting on a fishing trip.

result of all this struggle was that teachers were pointedly ignore me, a quarter of exposing Three. They are expected decided that doing something with the student on the threshold issue is stupid, it's easier - and hang on to part.

Classmates also continued to struggle for the certificate, covertly and overtly jealous my behavior. This is particularly affected girls. I ignored them. Preoccupied with their projects, I even forgot to masturbate at times, so little was the testosterone in my blood. What were the girls? And considering that I've seen everything, actually became a professor in the theory of sexuality in all its manifestations, looking at all options for copulation between individuals of both sexes of different species and age, I began to apply to girls as to a certain design life.

I'm not blind, fine saw all these views, who flew with me during class and at recess. I saw that they passed, as if they are accidentally touched the edge of my desk or my shoulder. It did different girls: cute and not very advanced breast and flat as a board, no longer a virgin, and much more shy their friends. But I did not care. The life of me, but I did not perceive them as women, especially - my potential women. I've been busy. And the women I just prevented at this moment - even just thinking about them.

Earnings link will appear about a year earlier, but this year it became clear that it is quite interesting in terms of income sector. I stumbled on this topic at one of the blogs, where I was searching for information on new ideas. The essence is simple: to put a link to your site, you pay for a while, until the link is in place. Setting references made without hands, and using the code that you implement on your site. Thus, for you all think and decide myself affiliate program, which is called Exchange. And you just do websites and get paid.

very way seemed so simple and straightforward that I just used it for their vareznikov. The first exchange was, it seems speyslinks. Links were put there-through - one link directly on all pages. And then I discovered the exchange sape. It was a real breakthrough, since sape payment was for each link on every page. I could put on the site of thousands of pages of links, not ten, as in speyslinks, and ten thousand, and get paid for each. My salary increments have doubled, and the most important parameter of a sudden become not site position in search, and TIC - setting quality of the site, whose value determines the search engine Yandex.

But the most important thing was that I was finally able to bring his mother to a computer and explained that's how I'm doing a money from your computer and give her five thousand rubles - My contribution to the family budget. The implication was that this is a smaller part, but most I have left on their antics. Say that most of the much larger and these five I took them from a fresh pack of a hundred thousand - I did not. The mother, having received money, began to cry. Her work was paid eight thousand, father - twelve. This money is more than enough to life in our town, given that we are fed with the problem. But such a large sum from the hands of his son sent for my indulgence in the eyes of the mother until the end of the school year. Unlike many other parents of children from larger cities, my mother relished the thought that I will do in college. In my generation there was only one road - To the plant. Or in the dark.

Solving a problem with my parents, I began to think about where to invest. Most of all I wanted to buy a car. But I was sixteen years and until a human it would take enough time. To contract for the purchase of real estate or business, I also could not or did not have the opportunity. So I updated its technical series. Just this year the city had the first federal mobile phone operator, and the best cell phone I had - one of the first Communicators in Russia. I gathered myself the most feature-rich desktop computer and updated the laptop. That's all. There was nowhere to spend more. And revenue grew.

Walking perfect April day lessons at school, I went to the cafe, has already started in the prevdverii season. There were only three tables and I took the last one. While I waited its cola and ice cream, asked permission to sit the girl. Low, dark, in the shales on bare feet, in a short skirt, do not hide a good long feet. On one side hung a small rag-bag. Even by eye it was older than me. Year for three or four. But her face - from the category of those who remain young even in forty years: thin facial features, small nose, big eyes, dimples - present puppet face.

brought my ice cream and cola. I ate ice cream and looked at the girl. At first she pretended not to notice how I stare. But then broke down and smiled.

- Eugene - I was introduced.
- Anna - she replied.
- Not here? - I asked.
- so much?
- Not very, but very similar to this.
- I have relatives here. I decided some time to live in your city ...

word for word, and after the first ice cream followed by a second, and then, and a cocktail. We talked for probably half a day, not moving. Anne arrived from Samara, leaving on time at university. There are people who suddenly decided that they are doing is not his job abruptly removed from their seats. Anna was one of those. Took an academic vacation and left. After passing half of the country and visiting with random and not very human, she suddenly turned back and ended up in our town, where she lived distant relatives, which, although they marveled at the sudden visit of the great-niece's second cousin, but the bed was taken. Solving the problem overnight, Anna was looking for work: sit on the neck she is not used.

Anna, in her words, draw well, including a computer. I thought about it and offered his help in the search. I took the girl to the bedside table, whose agency has got to that time only for the whole neighborhood for outdoor wide-format printing machine and actually has a monopoly on the outdoor stands. Do not know how or what was said Anya and nightstand, but the place she has received. I think that my service here was partly. Bedside table was a businessman, though, but fair and honest: and for us to Nicholas, she earned a very good thing.

After that I lost sight of the strange girl with big eyes. Especially because I had to leave out of town - this time granny grabbed longer an imaginary way. After a week of home treatment the doctor laid her in the hospital, but I refused to leave, visiting old woman in the hospital twice a day. And the work I could and here: the Internet, I spent another summer, the laptop was always with me.

Imagine my surprise when I met Anya on the street in the regional center. It seemed to me, too, was glad. Bedside sent her foliey and even some of my things for outdoor advertising. In addition, she must was to spread something on customers that were in the advertising agency at the center. We met just when she was going back to the station.

- Maybe in a cafe? - I asked.
- why not - she smiled.

We spent several hours near a cafe, killing cocktails and ice cream. Anna was a collection of stories that drew this map of the country. During their messy shoots away she could travel around dozens of cities, each taking a piece from memory. Of course, as a result of our conversation, Anna missed the train. I honestly wanted her to be late. And did it. After that fairly invited her to spend the night at Grandma's apartment. She easily agreed.

Having an apartment, and Grandma lived in a small two-bedroom apartment has built Brezhnev, Anne closed the door in the grandmother's bedroom and asked about health of my old lady.

- Normal like today was, doctors want to hold it another week.
- It's so bad when ill loved ones.
- Yes, bad.
- Let's just decide - Anya went to the couch in the living room - you will sleep on the left or right? I love the left.

And here I was sweating, and thousands needles pierced my body from toe to the crown of the head. I said nothing. The words just stuck in my throat.

- Think. I'm in the shower - and a thin scent of her perfume slipped past me into the bathroom.

When she came back I had to lay a sofa and firm, about ten times thinking, I decided to spend the night at Grandma's bed. I have already left the room when Anna stopped me and kissed me. And then taken back to the sofa. Along the way, her hand touched the switch. Room and my mind sank into the warm darkness.

I was awakened by the hissing. He opened his eyes and was just beside trampled sheets. Judging by the position of the body, I slept all night right - a gentleman, and then there. Hiss went from the kitchen. I pulled the pants as cowards and have not found and moved to the smell. Anya in my boxers and t-shirt frying eggs.

- Sorry, not pancakes, you have no milk.
- I do not like milk.
- Sit down, now we eat.

I sat down. But one question and asked to be on the tongue. Not even question.

- You are so simple.

Anya turned and with a sly squint looked at me.

- And you need a game to play, pozhemanitsya? This seems silly. You clever and nice. I'll interesting. I like you too interesting. Why then unnecessary ceremony.
- It's like something ...
- Wrong?
- is unusual.
- Let it be so. But I think everybody is happy. Or not? - She jumped up and pecked her lips are mine.
- I'm happy. And how.
- That's nice. Eat! - And on my plate slid slice eggs. The second followed on the second plate. - Do not bother. All right. No obligation. Want to say goodbye, just say it.
- Do not want to.
- want, then you want to. This life.
- A wonderful you are.

After eating, she quickly changed her clothes and disappeared from the house, along with rolls of foil. I have not had any of its contacts - no phone, no address, just place of work. And so would again hear her voice. I would just break her, but could not leave the granny, who during a visit to the hospital with interest looked at my smiling face and wondered about the reasons for my mood.

few days, occurred Friday, the grandmother is doing better, and before its discharge had a few days. I became a little get together and clean up - had to leave the net granny flat. All the more so after leaving my grandmother decided to stay with the mother, specifically picked for this holiday Monday. But the bell on the door I was surprised - not thinking that her mother would come sooner. On the threshold stood Anya. In tears.

- Something is wrong?

She went to the apartment and gave me a hug.

- Just do not let me go, - she whispered in his ear. And I will not let go. Even when she began to eagerly kiss me, if she wanted something to prove this. She practically pushed me into the living room and dropped onto the couch, simultaneously tearing off his clothes. It was some other girl. But I would slukavil that did not like me. Although a bit scared I was ...

But much stronger than I was scared this morning when he saw her again over the cooking eggs - milk, I never bought it. Like yesterday there was no tears and unbridled sex.

I did not ask anything. And she did not tell anything. It's been crazy days when the afternoon we were strolling through the town, holding hands, and at night did not release each other from close embrace. Sunday night we went together in our little city. And the more I saw her.

On Monday, she went to work. And when I went to the bedside table, then she stated her bewilderment. On Tuesday, Anne is also not left on work. And on Wednesday. I tried with all their mental faculties, and a week later found her relatives. According to them, I learned that on Monday, Anne packed up and left. The exact address it in Samara, they did not know - too distant relatives. So she simply disappeared from my life. As if it never existed. What prompted her to leave suddenly, Were the three days of farewell - I never knew.

But with it went the desire to love someone. In order not to lose. Of course, what my age, and all can be. But caused pain still lives in my heart. And no one has it yet to heal. So everyone is my first love, and I immediately was the last.

To somehow stifle desire to see and hear it, I began to spend more time with your laptop. And that, oddly enough, led me to one thought. I once said themselves - and this is a good idea, man. And he began to gather the necessary information.

Why Can't You Freeze Alcohol

Chapter 5. Film and Germans

Fall met me sixteenth birthday and rain. After returning from Moscow, I spent the rest of the summer with my grandmother, and returned home just before the academic year. Buying a laptop, I explained partly a gift grandmother, partially gift to his aunt, in part collect pocket money and deferred money from the time when I was laying nets. In this version of the fundraising parents if not believed, then said nothing.

But the problem of how to explain their costs become critical. By the autumn of my income has stabilized and began to make about half or two thousand dollars a month. For school in a small town very weighty sum. By that time, one-bedroom apartment we have cost eight to ten thousand dollars. So where to spend such a significant income - I do not know and just procrastinated cashed Dollars in a box from under the shoe under the bed privalivaya top icons, and wrappers that are collected when I was ten years old. Open a bank account I just did not occur to her even when I got at the hands of a passport.

In mid-September to me at ICQ knocked a man out of our city. I do not really hide its location - then still did not find it necessary. So do not be surprised at the fellow who lives in the same city. The purpose of the conversation has become my current activities in the network, namely pornographic sites. The guy introduced himself Roman said that working with serious people, and these people would like to do business on the Internet. So he asked for a meeting. Intimidated or even tremble from a sense of the possible consequences I did not even come to mind. I easily agreed.

meeting was held in the cafe. The novel turned out to be frail and high-young a man of thirty. He constantly blinked and advanced on the bridge of glasses with an almost rectangular glasses, and his speech was interrupted by a slight stammer. He briefly explained the essence of the case. Small conglomeration of a representative police, businessman and incomprehensible personality type of mediation and Jewish decided that we should go and earn on the Internet. The last person out of the conglomerate had lived in two countries and earned by providing various consulting services, in what area it is - Roman was not known. One of the clients' personality was a small business, part of which have video chats. The girls were talking with customers via the Internet, putting in a call myself to different places hands and objects. The owner received a chat with this money, which paid for the girls and the Internet but most folded in his pocket.

this business model, announced at a regular meeting in the sauna so encouraged by the partners that they have decided to deploy same business in his hometown. Since none of the three knew nothing of any sites or the Internet, to solve the technical part of the trusted aide businessman Novel. Position of Roman popularly called "pobegaykoy: nothing really unable, Roman had the perseverance and certainly solves the problem. In particular once he himself had a network in the office of a businessman, and that made him an expert on all technical issues.

receiving a task to organize the site where Russian provincial town in the nude will communicate with the world, Roman, with his characteristic simplicity climbed into his son's computer-and third-graders pulled cached addresses porn, one of which he found my ICQ. The fact that we were from the same city, only convinced him that the world is small.

I said that all really. He asked - how much. I thought about it and voiced the sum of five thousand dollars. He bargain, and we agreed on four and a half. Five hundred Roman asked to give him immediately after the transition of money from hand to hand, and assured that the money does not matter.

We went in different directions, and only then I realized that I have no idea itself, in that he is trapped. So after I crossed the threshold of the house, several days were devoted to "smoke" of forums and sites on this topic.

Videochat by Actually not such a complicated thing, if everything is solved at the level of: send a video stream from one point to another. In the end, no one today does not confuse the video conversation on Skype. Approximately also implemented and the scheme with the video chat. Put the server on it put special software on individual computers put client programs to transfer video to the server. On-the-fly video camera is compressed and stored in a cache file, which is continuously pumped those users who watch this video. The conversation is conducted through the transfer of text data - ie through the normal chat. Video is just built into him, as movie with yutube.

Sounds like and easy, but the yard was in 2006. Not only that appropriate software was difficult to access, so more and few could I set it up. Therefore the site in this whole scheme was the simplest of problems. What I said to Roman at the next meeting. Roman appreciated my knowledge and conditionally appointed I was chief consultant on the project, promising to roll back a percentage of the money allocated for installing software and configuring it is already on local stations. Officially I was assigned to the same production site. Setting on the spot as it did Roman.

I again sat down to smoke and forums to gain enough knowledge and software to make a working example in my home. Allocated money to a conglomerate of Roman bought a computer, a special digitize the video card and a special camera. All this stuff ehalo to Moscow two weeks, and then another two weeks lodged in my house so I could make the first test pattern broadcast video over the network.

The site I tested did a freelancer. It was a fun time. We are going over with him clients for broadcast video - do not forget that Flash Player then there were a rarity. So that the base compiler became a customer of Microsoft. The server was also a self-made development of a small Western company. He trasliroval video, but did not do it too steadily, from time to time the signal dropped and had to restart the server. Whatever it was, but the novel was in shock, looking at her face in the browser window. I myself was a pleasant surprise that cranked so serious work.

Demonstration held in the future, stash - The top floor of a small factory to manufacture furniture. The plant itself, as I understand, belonged to the possessions of one of the members of the community, ie businessman. At the demonstration attended the last and the policeman. The policeman, by the way, never looked like thereof: white canvas trousers, white shoes, white shirt and light jacket. Throughout the demonstration, he was playing car keys on the index finger. We first flew over toe board and the keys, and then dropped a heavy stick in the form of posters Mercedes. So I saw the owner's sole Gelendvagen in the city.

As a model, was himself a Roman, as clients - co-owners of future business. They are like two wax dolls looked at the camera hamming Roman in another room. I sat there not a living, or dead and silent. At the end of the demonstration co-owners nodded and left the premises of the plant. The next day I received two thousand four and a half laid. Thousands of Roman brought on the second day after our acquaintance.

My box is much enriched, and even more enriched with a box of knowledge. And just had fun participating in this project. I began to finish the site, and Roman took a more enjoyable part - begun with the selection of models.

With models, video chat and generally for porn is a zamorochki: necessary that the model was 18 years old and it has been proven in any way except by the signing of certain documents and taking a picture thereof, with passport in hand, and the passport should be visible birth date. Remove the girl with passport in hand - it's a long story, but the novel to do everything decently and quickly.

second zamorochki was in the payment system. I have never encountered with connection thereof to the site, but it turned out that not every system works with older sites and so just does not work with Russian citizens. This problem is resolved fairly complicated way. The third part of the conglomerate has organized a small company in the west, and already, the company entered into an agreement with Western and loyal to an adult site of payment system, which I found and handed over to Roman.

With models everything was much more difficult. Judge for yourself from our muhosranske take emancipated young cute girls with knowledge of English. So Which of the following adjectives novel focused on the young and liberated, rightly judging that the beauty in this case - is not important, just to boobs were. Knowledge of English, he decided to take from those who owned them, regardless of other criteria - just putting in a couple of the young and liberated: one shakes сиськами, вторая переводит чат и пишет ответы.

На кастинги я не ходил. Но по словам Романа ажиотаж был большой. Пусть город крохотный и провинциальный, но women it was always more men work properly any, paid work is not at all, for young girls not even a low-paid. Only alternative - to get married, that under the influence of a beautiful life in the House-2 did not seem so very nice. So that the option to work model to the West - was almost event in the life of the local girls aged 18-25.

Looking at the photo shoot that novel I was told for the portfolio, I realized that nothing could be a barrier towards a modern girl to prosperity. Pretty and ugly, they are all pretty easy to denude, once understood that broadcast their videos will be only the greedy and fat Americans, and not the local alcoholics. I do not know what was said to them during the shoot Roman, but were present and frames that are easily would come to pornographic sites, though for exotics section. We are Roman called these girls meat, as so many groomed bodies I have never seen before, and after too. Pornography has been trained to see the powdered tightened body though not too pretty women, the type of local beauties Nude I was sick. But work is work. I was cutting, tumbiroval and put pictures on the site.

ceremonial launch was held almost the New Year. And nothing. A Day girls lain in a specially purchased beds, and no client and did not want to see them. You should not underestimate me. The site was purchased in the western PPC-systems traffic. But pay none of the customers did not want. Quietly and calmly passed the second day. And tenth, and fifteenth. Somewhere crept error.

The client we do not believe it. He did not believe that you can pay and get what you want. Not tried to persuade him not to retouch photos, or Broken English in advertising texts. Fat Americans refuse to buy our services.

At this point, the co-owners have begun to lose patience. But it is peculiarly evident - they are quarrel among themselves. We, fortunately, no vinyl. But in this period I learned a lot. The main sponsor of the project became a businessman. For his money purchased hardware and software, trailed gigabit channel, went to Roman salary and girls. The mediator and the mediator was logging in with the idea and the links to the west. Militiaman Roofing the entire business.

novel in search of new solutions of the current situation has put more girls in the untwisted video chats. There to pay the client model and that is Roman and the company was only percentage but also the least tuft of wool. Come the first sale. At this point, an argument between co-owners at the time stopped, started other problems. Emancipation of our rural model was imaginary. In addition, affected ignorance of English. After receiving a cue from the client, model felt faint. And then with wooden hands and a dead face began to massage her breasts and get into her panties. Do it it was so difficult that such rare connection came running to watch everyone who was in the room.

Later Roman delimited bed curtains, but significantly the quality of models it has not improved: clients not to stay in the chat. Thus began a massive knock-out models. After a month of only five models from almost twenty. And only one of them, a graduate inyaza, for whatever reasons, returning to his native city, normally earn. In another shift from Elena turned out to squeeze out of Americans Up to two hundred. All others earned from five to twenty dollars per shift. It is clear that such a project for a long time could not be of interest to its creators.

By I had already got the rest of the money and walked out of the project: The site has been made and although no one needs, claims to me were not. Counseling assistance to Roman too not required. So what we've seen rarely. Having met him once in the spring on the street, I learned that the project is already breathing its last. Co-owners finally quarreled among themselves: the businessman put financial claims two other colleagues. Those washed his hands and pretended not to hear. Roman is trying once again to not come to the boss, and he dragged the meantime, one of the computers to a safe place and put back Helen, having issued its new and already under his own name and on your wallet. To complete the cycle, he asked the girl to pick up two more friends, that she was a month and I did. Now, this apartment is broadcast round the clock naked television. From time to time, Roman is sleeping with one or the other model, checking the quality of their work and emancipation.

This is my work with video chat was finished once and for all. Yet still one of the archive disk is stored in my folder "Girls," where are the pictures of models. Sometimes, going through old files I stumble on it, but do not remove, somehow persuading myself that I can use this exclusive for another project. But it is unlikely it ever will happen.

By spring I had accumulated twenty thousand dollars in rubles, and scratching their hands to spend. But how to explain their spending to parents, I had no idea. Were to be legalized. Even before their parents. And for this it was necessary to find a business that would not have shone women's asses. The business, which can be your parents on the monitor of your laptop. I began again to stir forums. And found one entertaining the idea.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hot Guys Play Pokemon

Chapter 4. How I Spent My Summer

In late summer, decided to write an essay. At least until the sixth grade we were writing each year. I can not say that I can boast of something: my summer, held, or grandmother, or my parents leaving on vacation, and then to the country. Therefore skukotu those essays I will try to compensate for a description of my first summer after I started earning in the network.

Nicholas from the beginning of summer left, and I was left with a decent sagging empire porn sites and gathering speed series vareznikov. In that year it was the trend: sites illegal software rose at all, even the complete losers. Therefore, earning it became easy, though not as much as we would like.

But for a number personal reasons, I would drop everything and leave. So I began looking for such an opportunity, which turned up in the form of relatives in the suburbs. In each extended family has relatives, which remembers only when they are needed. We also lived near Moscow, middle-aged aunt, the youngest daughter of my grandmother's sister. Can not remember, and times that she visited us, but every visit to Moscow, we stopped it. The benefit of her aunt had her own apartment, and besides her and her two dogs out there Nobody lived. Personal life with her aunt did not work: the first husband died of a heart attack, the second time she married and not out, has got no children. Therefore, her loneliness brightened only two Dobermans and relatives from the province.

I had to push all the buttons in the literal and figurative sense, to get permission всех сторон на поездку. Отец согласился сразу, а вот с матерью пришлось поработать подольше, даже наплести ей про несчастную любовь и то, что мне необходимо unwind and seek themselves. To persuade his aunt, I confided to my grandmother. And in late June, I cashed out last earnings from the network finally got on the train, which way to Moscow.

aunt met me, if not welcome, it is quite easy: I pointed out my bed, betrayed the key and marked his daily routine, which I violate no cost: my life suddenly appeared in the 8 am, when my aunt would get up before 10 pm, when went to bed. Feeding in the refrigerator, the key in his pocket, dogs Do not feed.

In a city where she lived her aunt, is a large university or its affiliate (I just never found), which occupies several buildings. A window hostel went straight to his aunt's house. So if you have good optics, I could parse what the rest of the summer in the dorm students.

Usually taken out of the hostel students evicted in the summer, so at this time to settle in applicants from other cities. But some students still find a way to stay sometimes finding arguments in the form of academic work in high school, sometimes agreeing with the commandant.

For me, the students have always been people from another world. In our town was only Trade College, the former PTU. And who wanted to learn more - go to other cities for admission. Returning back - the unit. Others could somehow but get caught on one another city and stay there forever, giving rise to his parents to say "But we somehow Masha graduated from University and now married to a good man ".

sortie in the suburbs of university I took almost immediately after arrival. He reached the hull and began to try something spy. I do not know what I wanted to see, but I have got another: the case of the watchman came and said:

- Newbie? Do?
- Mmmm ... - I nodded.
- Then let's go, I'll see.

Wachter, a pensioner has brought me to the dormitory, then held inside. And when I was about to confess everything and retire, he turned me into a room with a sign "commandant."

- Petrovich, here's a brand new ischo - Okay, said the watchman. COMMANDANT P. strictly measured me.
- Well, let's go.

And we went. After some time I lost orientation throughout the maze of stairs. In the end, the commandant opened the door of one of the many rooms in the corridor.

- This is your room. 'll Come later, will issue you, now I have no time - and P. disappeared.

I stood at the door of the room, a place which had no right. But instead of leave I stayed. Because there was good reason for it. I first saw the laptop. On one of the beds sat a guy in front of him lay a real laptop. For me it was like a spaceship control room to get - in our town laptops was not anybody.

- Hi, I'm Eugene - introduced myself.
- Alex - burknul guy and then buried in a notebook.

I surprised myself, my arrogance, but I went over and sat beside the chair. The guy sitting on the Internet. Cable to the laptop was not let down. I had finally lost his head.

- Wi-Fi? - I nodded to the laptop.
- Yeah - again, grumbled guy.
- strike! - Excuse my French, but I could not help emotions.
- Yes, ohuet - supported the guy. And we neighing like horses.

catch my breath, I asked:

- And can I check STATS? - The guy with the curiosity looked at me, but moved the laptop.
- Check.

I am accustomed to typing in the address, scored his password and a little shocked. As always, good things happen when you no. During my absence had broken one of vareznikov and traffic just went crazy. Respectively, increased and earnings. The guy looking over his shoulder at the columns of figures, said:

- What is it?
- Affiliate.
- do you mean?
- In terms of money is earning.
- Hmm. And for what?
- Eeee - I've even taken aback, had somehow not accounted for explain. - I have a few sites. Cost to advertise on them. But with her money and dropping. Or I send visitors to the pay sites, but when they're paying for services, I calculated the percentage.
- And a lot comes out?
- Oh. Thing or two bucks a month - I gave up imposingly. What did you expect, I was fifteen, and I wanted to Fame. I'm just thrilled when a guy tried to keep serious. But his next sentence nailed me on the spot.
- And you do not have a laptop? There were a

it though he doubted the presence of underwear under my pants. I felt spat. I came out of affiliate programs and close your browser.

- Thanks, I looked everything.
- Oke. So tell me how you do it, make it into the network.
- I'll tell you. A bit later. I have to go over things - and I shamefully fled from the room.

evening I categorically told her aunt that I need a computer store. And certainly, the best. The aunt did not know that I have with him was almost three thousand dollars in rubles - unspent balances of my online earnings for several months. But to hold up the store agreed.

We went to Moscow. Aunt, living in the city, had a dissenting opinion about the local shops, preferring to do all the important purchases in Moscow. Its capital, developed over the years unmistakable scent led us to a wholesale shop, where he was and showroom, where they stood - laptops. I circled around a table with laptops at least half an hour in Polukhov listening to the consultant. I had to make a crucial choice. So it should not have to hurry.

Finally, I selected an animal with pyatnadtsatidyuymovym screen, 512 megabytes of memory and processor Tseleron 1.7. It was not the most expensive model, but it surpasses even my home computer. A silver case of the cheap plastic seemed to peak komyuternogo design. And, of course, within the was useless for our city, but the date in Moscow already Wi-Fi.

I was carrying a box with a laptop, this word was the greatest value, not for a moment letting her out of hand. 'm Home, I spent several hours reading all the programs. It was a real pleasure. I was in an instant mobile. Able to work wherever I want. I seemed to myself the hero of the movie where the smart guys are always close-open the laptop screen, hacking sites using a text editor.

remains to solve the problem with the Internet. And, I think I knew one acceptable solution.

- Hi, Alex - said I was at the door.
- Oh! And you yesterday governor sought - showed surprising guy. It seemed that he did not rise from her bed.
- Yes, you know ... - And then I told him how all situation was in reality. We laughed. And then I showed my laptop, lied yesterday that left him at home, and asked to connect to the network dormitory. In return I promised to coach Alexei on earnings in the network.

That's how I got the Internet and the first student, although Alexei was already a sophomore and a two-year I was older.

We spent almost the whole day together. I really do not know what to think about this aunt. I've coached by Alexei on the theory, and then together we surf on the Internet. Sometimes we left the laptop alone and talked about everything. So, I learned that Alex's son forever seconded the parents of Petroleum. Since home doing nothing, he decided to stay in a hostel. I learned and that such a university, as you study and what dedication to students. Which is pretty boring school brightens students' spree, for which the administration of the hostel turned a blind eye, if only property is not broken.

So we would talk about anything and continued, if not once Alex said:

- Listen, why do not you improve this module. This is also very inconvenient to score twice.
- Since the engine is arranged.
- And that the engine, it's just a bunch of scripts. Write your own.
- I do not know.
- You have to learn. It's not so difficult.

Alex got me thinking. After all, I really able to work faster and better if made the engine more attuned to their needs. The same thing I could say about the other scripts. But the conclusions I came to the opposite. Instead of learning myself, I decided to look for someone who will do it for me. The benefit of experience of writing the parser in the order I already had.

time to expand, said I am to myself. And I decided to learn about the challenges a programmer living in a hostel. At that moment I thought it a good idea. But realized it was not meant to be. In late July, my grandmother became ill and I was just in case, called home and settled for her. Although I suspect that embellished the situation, my mother, who had troubled me for so long lack of native Palestine.

However, I did not mind. Now I have a laptop, purpose and a great desire to move mountains. And also the idea.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Is A Great Shampoo To Cure Damaged Hair

Chapter 3. Do me this

Six months our journey through the world of earnings in the Internet we have become much more experienced and dexterous. But our wages have stopped growing. Despite the best efforts of the sum monthly fees ranged between five hundred and two thousand dollars. Moreover, we first encountered the concept of "kidka" when one of the companions suddenly stopped making payments, and there hung a few hundred bucks. It was so unpleasant that I have a few days walking beside himself, thinking how to make it worse. But who was I, and where they were. Different continents and countries. Why are there - just different worlds.

world porn bored and began to tire in their monotony. It is ridiculous to imagine but I no longer excited when viewing explicit videos. In some places it has even become a laugh.

also changed my personal life. I began to meet with the girl. Not with Kate, or Lena, on the other hand nice and good girl. We held hands during a walk and could stand for hours near the entrance, talking about anything. And it was much more valuable than free miles.

Another change happened in the life of Nicholas. His father has suddenly become a director of our gradoobrazujushchego plant. In fact, not unexpectedly, as it later became known. Father Nicholas has long been stewards and not so much a piece of iron rivet as a career, meeting with the new owners of the plant. Three years it took on a continuous string of saunas, pyanok and travel, before he got the position. Old Director retired honorably retired, started a new series of permutations. But the highlight was the modernization, not only and not as much production as external factors.

It is worth to make a stop and explain that parents often more confidently refer friends to their children than to their own flock. My mother liked to put me in an example of Nicholas - he was always neatly dressed, and smelled of cologne is not an example of sloppy to me. In contrast, parents of Nicholas felt his son dunce, Burn their money, and I was treated as a stabilizing factor in the life of Koli.

why I was not surprised when my father took me to Nicholas aside at the next visit to their house and said: "Make me like it, well, the site. So it's called? for the plant."

admit, I did not realize what they want from me. When I did, immediately agreed. Is there something eludes the mind and hands of fifteen year-olds? A couple of weeks left to the layout and assembly of the next monster. The template has been fairly uvorovan from some western sites. So that the curvature of the internal site was compensated by good looks.

I think that the father of Nicholas saw your site only once, when we showed him. He nodded, then reached into the purse and counted out five thousand rubles. Not that we fell into shock. But the relative ease of getting decent money gone to our heads. Nick immediately began to cost plans for the conquest of our town. I reined him - we had fifteen лет, никто не стал бы сотрудничать с мальчишками, не закончившими школу. На что Николай сказал - говно-вопрос, и мы на несколько недель вернулись к нашей обыденной life. I updated the porn sites and looking for statistics. Nicholas was looking for and cut the picture.

And in our life there was a bedside table. Correct to bedside - That is, with a capital letter. In fact, her name was Svetlana, and she was 30-35 years, how many exactly, I never knew. Bedside led a small advertising business in our city. Mostly because it was small in our city. Nightstand itself and its two employees were cut and pasted signs and displays at local stores and desk. Work was a little bit, so that the Cabinet with interest the proposal of Nicholas to be the official mediator in our dealings. For this she agreed take only thirty percent, which seemed to us quite reasonable. So there was our little web-studio.

Why nightstand? Figure in our mediator was such that from afar she looked like a piece of furniture: Full-bodied and thin legs.

first order will not happen soon. It is difficult to explain to someone in a small city \u200b\u200bthat he needed the site. Most organizations are focused on domestic consumption, so try to reach out to consumers via the Internet when the city of forty thousand people and one local newspaper, a big no sense. This I now understand, but then was hurt. Not so much to me as Nicholas - He was burning with the idea and looking for buyers for the newfangled novelty.

However, we still made the site a small distribution company, to deliver the goods the entire region, but based in our city. We have earned ten thousand rubles, and it was a nice addition to the successful month in the porn industry - about пятидесяти тысяч рублей удалось вытянуть с платников. Контраст сделал дальнейшие попытки развивать сайтостроение в городе неинтересными. И мы сообщили Dresser about it. She nodded and then asked - can we push through the network to one of its customers.

City have Internet index rather peculiar. All rights on the Internet owned railway, and delivery to homes by local branch of the regional telephone company. In fact, they just put a few hubs, but the connection to the house did very badly, by creating a secondary market, when the subscribers themselves to lay cables and only connect telefonschiki to the box.

We were curious, we are pumped from the Internet circuits for connection, Gaugeable distance, they estimated the scheme amounted to an estimate of the purchase. And one day had cable, receiving about three thousand for the job. The rumor about the speed and quality of work has gone through the city, and soon the bedside table again asked to us for help. After some time we connected the day before the two clients. The peak of our work was the key to the box and permission from Uncle Vasya from the phone Company hem cable in the box. Pull up, we called Uncle Basil, and he reported to the office on the next connection, he rubbed his pants in his garage with an old Zhiguli.

Share business with the school becomes more difficult - at times the teacher saw us less than the money in his wallet, and life began to resemble wheel - sometimes I'm just at the end of the week remembered what day it is. Furthermore, it became podsedat porn business: sites for which I have almost ceased to watch lost half of the visitors. Nicholas also PEYRELEAU of our ongoing work. He took on the communication with customers, with those on whom depended strip, ranging from housing department to uncle Vasey. As he so quickly found the language to all, I do not understand, nor want to understand - I'm too tired. So one day I rallied and put Nicholas ultimatum. Or we get out of this whirlwind of a connection, or I go out alone.

We went out, leaving the bedside stand alone with its customers, but Nicholas did so very reluctantly, constantly reminding me of lost revenue. In retaliation, I spun a new project in the network without his participation. Thus began the end of our long friendship.

New project lay in the niche of illegal software or so-called vareznikov. Most sought after porn network stuff - it's different licensing programs. And, Of course, everyone wants to download them for free. There are people who spread such programs to free file servers. But really popular these archives are after laying them on vareznikah. And, most often spread among people, and varezniki make quite different. Second unwind their sites and earn traffic. Visitors not only download files, but clicking on banners, from which fall back on various pay sites.

when I first enlisted the assistance of the programmer who wrote me a small program, pull links to files from other sites. I made a few sites and threw them in the nation. Come on visitors who have been gradually converted into a completely tangible rubles and dollars.

Two months later, there were two events, which practically put an end to our relationship with Nicholas. First - my varezniki bypassed by our common profit porn sites. Second, the father of Nicholas was new appointment for less dying plant and was preparing to move. We gave each other a promise not to stop communicating, but understood that it is more courtesy.

A week later the family of Nicholas left, and the school year came to an end. By some miracle I managed to pass in the eleventh grade and easy go on vacation. My diary, full of threes, no one even looked: his father was lost in the garage with the guys, although we have machines he has never vodilos. Mother under cover phrase that I have grown, not really interested in my progress in school, she was quite enough trouble at home. So I was left alone with his thoughts and problems. I thought that I quit.

And what about the girl? With the girl we broke up. She could not stand the fact that I'm always there. And then once I saw I have open on your computer. I have not tried to explain, and she did not ask. But we began to meet less often, and then completely ceased to be seen. So personal life, too, gave a roll. It was necessary to urgently change something. Especially that summer is already opened its doors, coloring paints warm days of June.

I decided to leave. For the summer. Go to hell.

How To Make An Death Invitation

Chapter 2. First sex

Sex in a small town - no taboos, but the thing about that is not saying. She deal, pay a lot of time in family life, fun with mistresses in saunas, but do not say. So do not say that it is not taken to show their emotions, and during sex: there are frequent cases where the woman herself closes face pillow to her sighs did not hear the neighbors and children in an adjoining room. That's it. The creaking of the bed is, but jump on it, just move from one corner or fuck do not see - do not understand.

so that all sex education for teenagers is on the street and among the books with drawing naked and funny creatures. Once I found this on your desk, behind which usually do my homework. I curiously flipped through several pages of a book and put it in a drawer, and then and forgot about it. By that time I already knew that the sex involved, not only for having children and not because they love each other.

first sex among adolescents akin to initiation, when you suddenly move from the world's children into the world of adults. After that, even when you smoke in the backyard of the school, you will not imitate, but really You smoke because you like it. You always catch the views of peers and respectful attention of the opposite sex. Attention is all of a sudden discharge "Why him?" goes into the category of "how it is with him?" and is transformed into a set of gossip, which twist around your image as a second clothing. So needless to say, as each of us dreamed of losing their virginity, at least for the opportunity to just say his friends when they met "hello, drochery!".

tremor in my soul caused only two girls, except for chemistry teacher Anna Ivanovna. Why should Anna's caused excitement in the entire male half of the class, so as in spite of age she kept herself in shape and is rumored to be married, met with obzhistom that makes it even more attractive. Although, frankly, it appear it in front of me negligee, I'd rather scared than excited. So that the dream of loaves a teacher, I still kept an eye on more realistic options peers.

the first place was an excellent pupil Lena. Lena was a typical SWOT, but she was a enchanting bright. Not so much beautiful as dazzling and charismatic. In each school, and sometimes the class is a girl who like teachers and boys, and girls tend to be in her company. Whether the school cheerleading team at, Lena would be at her captain. But since this team was not, Lena limited theatrical productions at our school amateur theater. Lena was good, but it was a problem. Lena wanted everything. And it is depreciating its like the sun over our heads.

Katya was more feasible option. A bit plump neighbor with the lower landing at the entrance had two resources, which stood out from her school uniform. Hand on heart, I rarely faced with Katya notice its shortcomings, my eyes were fixed all only on its buffers. Now, years later, I even remember her face I can not but remember very little mole in the hollow between her breasts. Kate was my same age but by some strange reason, went to another school in another district, so we just met in the yard. The problem with Kate was in the other. I really do not know what to say at the meeting.

So the likelihood that I'll stay a virgin is still very long time, often kept me focus on the business, which was rapidly deployed after the first payment.

earned a regular $ 100 is faster - the number of our free sites has grown considerably, I decided to invest in domains and hosting. Everywhere was written, it is an important step, and we committed. And it changed nothing. We did not earn more. We stupidly did not know what to do with these domains. I had to sit down again for the forums.

There is a The term "smoke forums. It is called so, apparently, for a long pastime in our forums to find the right information. While you will find - five times losing your smoke. I "smoked" the various forums several days before being stopped at one of the options for earning. I decided to add to our growing empire CJ.

Sijil or CJ or cj - site consisting of pictures, clicking which you often find yourself on another site - such as CJ or a pay site. More such sites called the generator of traffic, because they are dispersed around the audience, popping up only on pay sites. Ie if the ring has a hundred thousand people then they will all go to related links sidzheyam, creating at each attendance of a hundred thousand a day.

I liked the fact that we can get a lot of traffic and that does not require a considerable amount of materials - pictures, we had many. And, of course, I'm impressed that moment that I will work with complex engine, one of which drives the screens I in yeast.

is said than done. I put a free engine, filled carefully cut pictures, even made several galleries to our CJ was not zero. CJ called zero when all the clicks it into the other CJ or paysites. At a more qualitative sidzheyah of clicks translates to additional pages with full-size images to the visitor left the impression that he got on the right his website. We had a good quality. I killed him a week and created an incredibly proud of the product. He had to break ðóíåò.

as a primary traffic, We have put a banner on our porn site and CJ came to life. Gradually managed to connect it to several other serious sidzheev - all the salt in this industry qualitative exchange of traffic. I'm not getting out of ICQ, communicating with the notable sidzhevodami Russia and Ukraine. I am persuaded, studied and sometimes even begging. A couple of times had even skip school, because CJ demanded constant attention. I said the patient - by this I looked, and: bloodshot eyes, drozhaschschie hands запавшие щеки. Мать мне поверила и оставила дома наедине с куриным бульоном.

Сиджей стал расти как на дрожжах. Скоро пришлось задуматься о расширении хостинга, and we migrated. And most importantly - began to grow revenue. Carefully merging traffic and combining affiliate programs in some days revenue reached 30 bucks. It was a real breakthrough. At that time my father's salary was about 500 bucks a month. So that the sensation of continuous celebration settled in my soul, and required output.

Nicholas has became a classy tumborezom - rivet images for sidzheev like an automaton. In addition, he also engaged in recruiting and looking for original material. Even then we began to understand what it means nezaterty material. Original photos of our visitors were forced to click more and more, bringing us a penny per cent. So we do not shun even Photoshop, increasing some of the details. Our skills grew as our revenues.

following conclusion was already a serious the amount of $ 700. And he passed very peacefully. Nick left this morning at the center of the evening came, and we have divided the money. In rubles, the amount was just indecent, and her hands itched to spend. Will soon submit the case.

Parents Nicholas got a ticket to the resort and drove there for a week. For the senior was left to Colin's sister Mary, who studied at a local college to the seller. And she did not interfere with our plans for a small Sabantui, even agreeing to act as cook.

Within two days we were buying alcohol and gently carry him into the apartment and collected a group of trusted friends. Total in a given time, gathered 10 people and each one had in store for a liter of vodka and three liters of wine. The beer was put back as frivolous drink. Nicholas raised the first toast, and away we go.

hour later, a few of us kept the orientation in space: guys knocked on the corners and moved to four points. WC and bath were zablevany, and next to the toilet permanently settled our classmate, Mike. Convinced that he is breathing, we continued to feast.

Languages \u200b\u200bloosened another hour. Each laid out everything that stores up to this secret. Such amount masturbate, I could not even imagine. Nicholas quickly put our business by calling have kids clatter languages.

Three hours later I withdrew Nicholas aside and told him that I was a virgin. Nicholas confided touched his forehead and confessed my in the same. We had a drink yet.

Four hours later we met for a walk. I think. At least I thought so, because the guys were dressed.

Here somewhere then consciousness finally faded. I fell asleep.

morning struck a bright ray of sun in her eyes. I hardly razlepil eyelashes and found myself in the parents' bedroom, however, on the floor, not in bed. My shirt smelled like vomit, and pants with shorts have been lowered to the socks. Climbing up, I'm speechless.

On the bed lay absolutely naked Sister Nicholas. Describe the set of my thoughts at the moment I can not but fear has prevailed.

fear increased when I tiptoed out of the bedroom. We were the only people in the apartment. I'm already afraid of something expected. Quickly pulling the clothes and wearing boots, I retreated from the apartment. Parents were aware that I stay on overnight with Nikolai, and for dinner there was no one at home - all gone to the country. So home I went into bringing herself up along the way trying to figure out what to do.

On the one hand, I had to explain to Nicholas, on the other, with Maria. Both of these explanations drawn by me on a par with torture in the Nazi torture chambers. More that suddenly appeared under the threat of all our joint business. Lord, I slammed my partner's sister. That such an idea would not let me all day. Nothing surprising that I jumped as if stung by a call at the door. On the threshold stood Nick, and I inwardly cringed.

- Khrenova look, pal.
- Yes - drozhzhaschim voice I confirmed.
- Went to check how you are. Sam got home?
- Yes.
- We just lost you yesterday, when we went into the billiard room. I would have gone earlier, but finally we lay down to Peter, and there I finally razvezlo. But it was cool!
- Yes.
- needs to be repeated as anything!

At this moment before my eyes appeared the naked body of Mary I swallowed.

- Okay, some sleep. I'm home - yet there was not - and Nicholas ran down the stairs.

minute later it occurred to me that it was necessary to delay as a warning. But it was too late. Once again I stood waiting for the inevitable end of my life.

Now I can hardly explain to himself what I so afraid. But at that moment the idea that I touched my friend's sister, seemed blasphemous. So I'm waiting for retribution for their actions. However, in the evening Nicholas, as if nothing had happened came from the next batch of pictures, and we were making sites.

Nothing happened, and when a month later, having exhausted all possible excuses, I was back in the apartment of Nicholas. Maria passed, as if I was an empty place. And I have felt easier. I copied everything that we were totally drunk and no one remembers.

I began the day a man or not, remained a mystery. But I was happy to assume that there is, as all the same to tell anyone about this fact I could not. So the first sex took place later and is sober. But that's another story.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How A Can Use Samson R10s

Chapter 1. The little boy

some reason to assume that in Moneymaker and bloggers come only zadroty in glasses who have no personal life. So they sublimate, popisyvaya in his blog article about dolchevita they themselves created or is about to create. And allegedly brutal and these guys are experts not involved in writings - they are busy.

Well so be it. Then it will be a confession zadrota. I have a vision and really not very good and sometimes I have to wear glasses. But when I look at myself in them in the mirror, I see my physics teacher - strict guy thirty years, which looked a bit older than his years. From it melted our girls, but he was married and therefore did not see their views. But for the most part my glasses lie in the box next to the monitor in case you suddenly need to view the details.

my story began five years ago in a small town, which not so easy to find on a map, let alone get to it you can only train on the even days. However, this did not prevent him to appear in the Internet. Internet came quickly and for all, opening a new chapter in the development of the city, at the same time predetermined maturation of thousands of boys who suddenly discovered a new world where you can see naked aunts completely without anything, and do not have to share jammed magazines.

I did not stay away from this orgy: the computer I already had, vyproshenny parents for the next birthday. In the past, it lived mostly games, but now settled the closed section of porn and all sorts of messengers are allowed to communicate with the world.

I spoke the language of Pushkin and Muscovite peterburzhenkami, in broken English with an American and a Spaniard, smileys with the Chinese woman and a resident of the mysterious country of Togo. I did not care to write, and what they write - I was not too worried. Our virtual novels consisted primarily of greetings and smiles. Yes, and I could tell them, if more of the lake on the outskirts of the city Tishinka not chosen.

However, it is not could go on forever and at some point enough. I returned to the usual walk in the yard. A yard we had a very ordinary - a few block houses connected work of our parents - dying by the sly damn metal. These houses were occupied at the time as a family of young professionals has increased. Therefore, all the children were about the same age, and between different generations were five to seven years.

You probably expect that now appears a wise wizard Iodine from next door, who will teach me a learned skill. In fact, it was not so. It all started with porn. Porn addicted to all the boys in the city. We washed hands in the bathroom, sdaivaya last drop of semen teen hoping to release tension from loins. But thirst is not passed, and we again and again and rocked changed porn, looking for new poses and features of the organism, which would have caused excitement. So that almost any teenage company could, come and listen to conversations about sex and heifers. And, of course, like most at that age, but I barely knocked fifteen, in a small town with a puritanical mores we had no idea how to get acquainted with the girls. Therefore furiously masturbate to porn, representing, as appears in the same pose Masha with a neighboring apartment.

no doubt that this demand could not stay unnoticed for a long time. And I began to think how to make a better return rollers with his comrades. With what I do began to think about it? After commercials, we took not from horrible, and from other sites. And could not the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating intra site does not come to anyone of us in the head.

my closest friend at the time was Nicholas, son of Honorable Metallurgist, classic provincial major, as I now understand: Son important for urban the standards of his parents, he had to keep the brand, but in fact already 12 years of age smoked, squeezed the girls and look for opportunities to annoy his parents the next trick. However, until something serious is almost never reached: the face of potential threats in the form of his father Nicholas quickly back up. So bang a beer with all he could, but grabanut stall - dismiss.

Nikolai was notable collection of porn is probably the greatest of us all. Nicholas proud of it, the more that he Unlike many films were carried out full-fledged, he could not afford to download them. So when I decided to discuss with him the idea of \u200b\u200bthe calculations - Nicholas once warmed to and became a kind of engine, not a day passed that he had not reminded me of site-exchanger.

Create a website was not so difficult. Had to spend a couple of weeks to sort out the engines and hosting. I chose a popular free web hosting, it has created the third level domain, and proceeded to the calculations. This was a landmark work. As the battle station used a computer of Nicholas and his fare on the Internet. Rollers were placed at night on the download. And all the next day I made screenshots and placed links.

first visitors came even earlier than urban adolescents. Count began to grow, and I am pleased to update the statistics to make sure the popularity of the site appeared. Figure increases. Nicholas also engaged in off-line promotion and our site started to appear as a small line on a piece of paper, traveling in the party.

attendance suddenly grew to several hundred people a day. And all of these visitors something downloaded from the site. One day I was approached by odinnadtsatiklassnik and slapped on the shoulder. It was glorious.

During one sleepless night to my ICQ knocked someone also suggest taking an exchange of banners. I, without thinking twice, agreed. But hanging a banner, called on him and got into the ring sites, which I do not know. It was a real world of porn. For half an hour I saw sites with normal rollers more than before for two years. And, of course, I fell at his new acquaintance with questions.

But there iodine did not appear. I got quite a monosyllabic answers and a set of links, including to the forum adaltmasterov. If you say that my life at this moment changed - it does not say anything. I spent almost a week on the forum, reading material for the material, the subject of the topic. I swam in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation, which I no could not provide in the near surroundings.

turned out, we can not just jerk off. You can earn. And bad.

I put the banner. I put as many as five banners. And earned the first cents. I can not say I'm crazy, but I wanted to cry with pride. I usually little remarkable boy from a small town able to earn money online. And it was so much fun and so interesting that I stopped to masturbate. Stopped at naked girls and became a partner at the statistics programs.

It is here to stay for a moment and describe how to make money on porn. In short, this is an industry where everyone has their place. There production - is surveying companies, sometimes just a group of enthusiasts, or loners. They are looking for models, think about how to remove and what to remove. Or just shoot to order. Their product they sell to companies that create advertising and paid sites, ie sites, a visit which must be paid. To paying visitors were more such companies create partnership programs in use - affiliate - which work with ordinary webmasters or adverts which create ad sites or different sites traps with which redirects visitors to the pay sites. When a visitor buys access, affiliate program calculates webmaster money. And the better you understand how to attract paying visitors, the more you earn.

Separated should pay for stolen content. From a pay site takes content or come from demos. On their basis is the same as a pay site, but much cheaper or even free. Free weight wrong banner at pay sites or entertainment sites, ready to pay even for such visitors. Psevdoplatnye sites take payment via SMS. This is also a market, but turnover is smaller and he looks shameful as dumb to admit that they make money on stolen someone else's work.

But to shoot their porn we had no idea. And the commercials - they have been so many that would be enough for a hundred sites - our choice was made. I'm with Nicholas are the fruit of the curves porn sites for teens in puberty, incidentally obveshivaya their banners. I've been doing websites, Nicholas was looking for and downloading new movies. Our business began to grow.

first payment had accumulated in two months and we are faced with a wild challenge - there was nowhere to cash webmoney. The city did not know such wonders, so I volunteered to visit his grandmother in the regional center, and Nick went for the company - our ongoing relationship parents are perceived as a real friendship, as was customary in town this metal.

Role moneychangers took over Nicholas. He called up with someone at the center, then long and extensively discussed the date, time, and especially the meeting. He was extremely serious. It could not happen. However, nothing especially with the exchange never happened. We have come to the mall, we were approached by a young man of twenty-five. He quickly counted out to us our money, shook hand and left. According to the laws of the genre we were supposed to throw, but we were probably lucky. Me was an honest guy. Subsequently, we changed through it a few more webmoney years until she found a way to transfer money directly. Our relationship at that time entered a phase of "good friends" and he constantly advised us on the issues that we were a novelty.

first money was drunken. We were fifteen. We still do not know what sex was, but knew what vodka. The parents were away, Granny - old and doted on their grandson. So we drank not only earned. We drank and money on the way back. We zablevali all the way from the park to the house grandmother. How they got into the apartment - no one could remember in the morning. But everyone was in bed, devastated and broken.

Grandma, how could, we covered to parents, otpoila brine, remembered all the stories, like getting drunk late grandfather and good-naturedly admonished us advice not to drink and keep the honor in his youth. It is unlikely that we could then normally think, so just nodded, bad idea of \u200b\u200bhow to carry the pitching coach to the house. For luck managed to get on diesel, stomachs were rescued by another eversion. Thus began our business.

When we parted, each to go to his house, Nick said: "We need to expand!" And I nodded - two months just to drink away a hundred bucks, sober seemed extremely stupid thing to do. We had to find ways to earn more and faster.