Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dots On Bottom Of Coors Light Can

Zrzečka traveler traveler, or Wienna No.1 No.1

Wienna the Town Zrzečku received with open arms. Not that I did not sleep while in Wiener Neudstat (now, it probably nevyslovím, which can be given to apologize to my knowledge of German, a zero, not a minus). I did not mind at all that I came in for me totally unknown city, and that I was there for David (my landlord) waited an hour and a half, which can be too sorry, oh those traffic jams. He came to my car with his friend, whom I later after drinking a pink wine called Pineapple.
Vienna is great, I recommend to all. I'm not saying we neproseděli half of my trip at Starbucks, where we are in a glass vitrínce slandering people around (which was great, because Vienna is full of stylařů and tourists), but even so I was a hell of monuments (šenbren, or "go TY SIGHTS Šmídová!).
David was a most amazing man to take care of your guest (morning eggs with crispy toast, yogurt with fresh strawberries, spaghetti, and the evening spaghetti spoon and the spoon straciattelovou ice, my own). I'm spoiled.
To be continued: a)


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