Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cough, Chest Pain And Bloody Nose

(August 2, 2010 - January 2011)

When I was a long time, finally decided to write a post, so let's at least for some useful and informative.

It's been almost half a year, I again began to "study". With the help of the agency, I decided to study tourism at Bridge Business College (Kent Street, downtown). I originally Agency three schools offered in various price categories. You could say that the price equals the quality of schools. I opted for a bridge because they can build their own schedule and not have to go to school every day (compared to the others, which are required to walk every day).

At this school, it is possible to obtain a diploma (two studies) or the so-called Certificate III. (Annual training). The study is divided into therms (one term to six weeks) and after three Terme is possible to take six weeks holiday (vacation with pay stejně jako studium). Školu je možné platit po třech měsících (tzn. dva termy) tj. 1300 AUD, přičemž se na začátku platí ještě zápisné 150 AUD. Já jsem se rozhodla pro studium certifikátu III., takže jsem díky tomu obdržela víza na rok. Je třeba také zmínit, že pro studium tohoto typu školy je Česká republika stále ve druhém levelu (ne jako u studia angličtiny v levelu 1), což znamená, že se musí prokazovat finanční krytí na první rok studia.

Na začátku jsem zmínila studovat v uvozovkách proto, protože se o žádné study is not too big. The content of the curriculum could be compared to our school or college. Each term you must select four compulsory subjects which are repeated later, and nearly every subject you and another teacher. One course lasts three hours between each object is an hourly interval. For example, I managed to start going to school only two days, so that one day long (from the 9hod 20hod) and the second day only twelve. Currently I go to work three times week.
Teaching is by lectures and then a teacher yourself, or with teachers doing their job in the Student Book, which must be signed at the end of an hour and checked teacher. Always at the end that is spring in the sixth week of written tests, which operate through "open book":) (ie with an open textbook).

Attendance must be met to 80%, which means that each spring in every subject you can skip one, but the school is very tolerant.

As for teachers, so I've had good luck especially for Australians and New Zealanders. Of course there can natrefit to more exotic pieces (Indians, Asians, etc.). But the fact remains that teachers are laid back and friendly, as is the custom, and are well understood.

"little" it's worse with the composition of students. For example, one subject I made an exception with the Brazilian polka and Asians among themselves (40 people in the class:). Sometimes it can be natrefit but in a very exquisite pieces. Among the many načinčaných Asian boy must sometimes wonder whether it is boy or girl.
The school also works department and a student desk that you are all willing to help. The school also owns a small travel agency where you can buy discounted student tickets.

In conclusion, I should evaluate the benefits of school. The quality of schools is, in my opinion very good and useful thing about this school is that here you can get a certificate Galileo (CRS tickets). On the other hand, the school depends on our stay in Australia, so it's partly a necessity.

official school website can be found HERE .

Maybe this article for someone boring, but I hope that maybe useful for someone.
If you still have any questions, write comments, and I love to answer.

And at the very end I would like to add that even I live and I have a good .


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